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Travel Journals

Kosice Journal

Finally the day has arrived! I am now on my journey and let me say, “Never again!” will I travel so heavy. I absolutely can’t believe it. My hands have blood blisters on them; I

Kosice Journal

What a problem. First of all, the Slovak post office takes care of everything from film developing; to selling Easter cards; and selling phone cards, etc. But you cannot send international packages over two kilograms

Kosice Journal

Laying on the sofa, just coming from school, I’m finally writing in my journal again. I can recognize that I've had a change of heart, compared to three months, or even two months ago. Tonight,

Kosice Journal

On my last week, Peter was talking to me about my last salary. He questioned me about how much my visa costs were, right in the reception, in front of students, staff, and everyone. Bibiana

Kosice Journal

Sunday evening was so fun! It started “Kosice Days” or "Kosice Krasna". Blue and yellow flags are hung all over the Main Street and each day are special festivities. Bands are out playing, special booths

Kosice Journal

Time is fleeting and meanwhile I managed to make some pals and and get into a regular running 🏃‍♂️ routine, which was in recent weeks overtaken by my fledgling social life. Basically it all started

Kosice Journal

First thing in the morning as we got into the car, for our trip to the country house, Christina asked if she could call me “Du”. I said, “Yes, of course!” At first, I didn’t

Kosice Journal

On the way to their cottage, we drove on the Slovak highways, which Vladimir helped build. He is Director of the Slovak Road Administration. En route, we stopped to admire Tunnel Branisko. It is his

Kosice Journal

I compiled this list of helpful Slovak Tips, for visiting the newly independent country in 1999. Not that any of them would apply today, but it’s interesting to look back on. At that time there

Kosice Journal

On the way to school I noticed that Beethoven s Ninth was on that night with the Kosice Philharmonic at Dom Umenia Little did I know, that would lead to a beautiful friendship. After

Kosice Journal

Saturday war auch güt (was also good)! It was a beautiful morning, starting with coffee and sunshine. I taught Robin Williams from SCP Paper. Then strolling through town, after too many cups of coffee ☕️

Kosice Journal

Hier bin ich wieder (here I am again) sitting on the train (8:15 Zug)  in Vienna nach (toward) Bratislava. Feeling a little sad, lonely, and somewhat depressed. I am feeling homesick and lonely after being

Kosice Journal

Yes, see what this week will bring. Lo and behold… I woke up feeling good, but a bit like not going to school- my semi-depressed, anti-motivated state of mind - missing boyfriend, loneliness, etc. Well,

Kosice Journal

My Sunday of Internet and Ballet started out sleeping in till 10:00. I leisurely breakfasted, went to town to Tesco (!?) to buy drinks and my long-awaited pillow and comforter. Very nice, now I’ll sleep

Kosice Journal

A couple of interesting observations I've made are regarding Gargoyles and Chocolate. The gargoyles on St. Elizabeth are really cool drainage troughs for the melted snow ❄️ and rain 🌧. It looks like the water

Kosice Journal

Well, I survived the week and can’t believe I’ve already been Two Weeks in Slovakia! It’s much better, as I started (Berlitz) training on Monday and was occupied with that (don’t mention the war) from

Kosice Journal

This morning I've been thinking about my current worries, and why I left it all behind. I'm trying to figure it all out. Taking my life inventory. Mom was right, I really am having a

Kosice Journal

Well it seems to be better already today. Or else it’s just that morning enthusiasm. The Sun, yes the real SUN ⛅️ is shining, and I can see blue skies up there. It’s not snowing,

Kosice Journal

Today is the day, the 15th of February, Rosenmontag (Rose Monday.) I’ve just spent a few beautiful days in Vienna with Luise and Fritz and their family. Now I’m sitting on the train, waiting to go

Kosice Journal

Thursday when I arrived back in Munich at Michael’s, he was at home sick. (There was a lot of flu and respiratory sickness going around—which had me scared about getting sick in a third-world country.)

Kosice Journal

The first evening, Harald hat eine Kuchen gebacht (he baked a cake) and the house smelled soooo good. We were already starting to get snowed-in in Singen, as we sat around and talked. We had

Kosice Journal

From the day I decided to grab life by the balls, my life is gradually taking on a new and much welcome change of direction. My writing career is officially starting and will take the place

Kosice Journal

I've seen shooting stars, robins, bluebirds, and butterflies. I've seen a black cat, and then a white cat -- all at appropriate moments. It's the Year of the Rabbit:  My Chinese Horoscope Sign. And the