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Travel Journals

The China Journals

Shanghai Museum Tonight, Lucille had invited me to the Mexican Food Festival (at the International East Asia Hotel) where her and Franko were last night! Funny that the Food & Bev Manager there is from San

The China Journals

Calligraphy is a revered art in China and must be studied for many years. Calligraphy style reflects the type of message being sent or expressed. This day I checked out Shanghai Art Museum on Nanjing Road.

The China Journals

I was trying to find an Arts & Crafts Shopping Center and stopped thrice to ask directions from shopkeepers. As often happens, except in very big or western shops, they don’t speak any English. Well I

The China Journals

China First Impressions  Today was a Women’s Day. Luise, ich, Mrs. W. and Sophia drove along a wide, crazily traffic-converging with bicycles from all directions, painting and construction, and spraying water from above bridges- road. We