Year of the Rabbit
It’s the Year of the Rabbit 🐇
The end of a long chapter for me. This is the start of a new 12-year cycle. And the beginning of the next book in my life. As if that weren’t good enough, it’s a Number One Destiny Year. Number 1 is my destiny number. That means two things — It’s a lucky year for me– and it’s a year beginning a new 10 year cycle, for all of us. We are starting with a clean slate, and given a new shot at life. Which is precisely what I’m doing. Naturally, being Sagittarius, I’ve taken it to the extreme.
Saturday, 23rd of January, 1999. (Think Prince “1999”)
I’m feeling the fear and doing it anyway. Today at work at Nordstrom Point of View University Towne Center, me and my manager Jacquie Cervantes were finally able to establish that tomorrow, Sunday will be my last day. Gott sei Danke. (Thank God.) My last day before quitting and venturing off across the Atlantic Ocean to land myself in an Eastern European country for a while.
A Real Basket Case
It’s a weird feeling. To know that I am leaving one life and starting another. Today at work, I was a basket case. (No pun intended.) I couldn’t even style a rounder, something I’ve done hundreds, if not thousands of times, in my 14-year career at Nordstrom. I was having difficulty ringing up a sale; something I could normally do blindfolded. Even re-ticketing an item took several attempts. Somehow I bumbled through the day, tripping over my own feet twice.
After work I went home to pack, order pizza, and have a Dutch 🍺. Them went up to Elderberry Creations, where mom, dad and Todd had reorganized the front showroom. Ian, the next door tenant will take over the back 40 percent of our warehouse space, starting February 1st. So I headed home to pack. Did I mention that I signed my resignation papers today? Yes, I did.
Big Band and Big Plans
Last night, incidentally I went out with my 84-year old friend Helen. We went to listen to a Big Band at the German American Society. Her husband had played trumpet 🎺 for Ted Weams Big Band in the 1950’s,
up until his passing in 1964.
Drinking our wine, we enjoyed simply laughing and poking fun at everyone. “All those old folks,” Helen says. “I hate the thought of getting old.” There you have it.
We ended the evening talking about her coming to meet me in Prague or Paris later this year. We surmised about a New Years 2000 party in Paris.