
Traveling with Mom and Dad

This morning we got around and enjoyed the usual breakfast ceremony of coffee and chocolate croissants 🥐 Fabienne, the family boss, was sleeping late so Harald just drove us to the Bahnhof train station on his way to work.

Yesterday we’d bought our train tickets. Since I had the EurRail Pass, I only needed the portion from the Austrian border to Wien. In the car, on the way, I noticed that my ticket was over Salzburg (which is the way that train usually goes). However mom and dad’s tickets were over Regensburg. At first we thought mine was needing to be changed and we had a few minutes (7 or 8) to inquire at the ticket desk.

Harald took control and we found out that the ticket clerk yesterday had booked mom and dad on the wrong route. Somehow their tickets were correct but the route was wrong. The new clerk and Harald couldn’t believe how she had “falsch gebuched” wrongly booked us.

Anyway with two minutes to spare, we got it worked out and were soon sitting on the right train, Hari waving us off, once again. It was great to train travel with mom and dad.

Train Travel through Austria with Mom and Dad

Dad had his map out, of D-Land, circling each town we went through. It was a great atmosphere traveling with them; much nicer and more fun than travels by myself. Fun and exciting, rather than stressful, lonely, and so meditative. It’s a special time I will always remember.

We had to change trains twice in the first three hours. Once in Ülm and once in Salzburg. (Ülm umsteigen immer.) At Ülm we had time to use the WC and buy some cheese for the butter bread Dagi had given us. Dad stood waiting on the platform with all six (or nine) bags. We each had three bags at that point: My big suitcase they brought for me; and their two lightly, well-packed small suitcases; plus some backpacks each; and a few carry bags.

In Salzburg, we were rushed a bit and had a tough time finding a seat. The train was packed full, but we managed in between the ski vacationers to get three seats together. We passed Melk, getting a good view from the train and photo pops; and as we progressed past Linz, the crowd thinned out.

On the train before, we had a funny thing happen. First we changed money for the conductor. (We were just helpful to everyone.) Then there was a cellphone on the table, where we got in Ülm. I set it aside and it rang a few times. Finally I answered it, “Prosim?” And the guy on the other end was speaking German to me, asking where we were on the train. I told him we were in Augsburg at a Halltestelle. He said he was in Augsburg too, at the Bahnhof. He asked which car were we in, and to stick out of the window and wave. So I went outside and saw him, and a train attendant who ran over to retrieve the “handi”. It was funny!

Back in Vienna

When we finally arrived in Vienna, it was rainy; as it had rained sporadically during the trip. We called Luise to let her know we arrived an hour early, since we didn’t have to go over Regensburg (falsch gebücht).

We hailed an unknowing taxi driver (not from Austria) who deftly landed our bags in the trunk and then didn’t understand or know the directions. First he thought we were going to the 13th district; then to the 9th district – and we turned around the block in the rain and traffic- up to 80 or 100 Austrian Shillings before we even were back starting again from the Bahnhof.

I suggested that if he didn’t know the way, we’d get out and take the Metro. Meanwhile, dad is sitting in the front seat showing him the way we wanted to go on the map; and looking up the street address in the book. Somehow we fumbled through it and made it there (to Luise’s house). Once we reached the Asian Restaurant on the corner of Heitzingerhauptsrasse I remembered how to get there to Gutzkowplatz 9, even though her address is on Priendlegasse and there are two such streets. Also there are two tennis platz courts, and two police stations, as we were to find out later.

(With luck, I had gone for a short run around her neighborhood last time I was there, and I recognized a few streets and landmarks.) So we were laughing about it in the rain, and mom and I had fun joking in the back seat.

Luise, Vera, Sophia, and Leon were all there to meet us. Vera was crying for “Papi” and Lulu gave her some Bach Blüten drops, which she said will come in handy to have my own bottle, too. She had a lovely Bröt Zeit snack prepared for us with a liqueur, some cheeses, ham cuts, brown bread, and a spicy dip.

It was a wonderful eve. I also spent the first hour playing with Vera and Sophia, as I was immediately dragged into the Kinder Zimmer. They were both so excited when we walked in, telling me sofort, that I was going to sleep in Sophia’s bed and Sophia would sleep with Mami, and my mom and dad would sleep in the spare bedroom.

We all stayed up late talking about China 🇨🇳 plans; Cheri no plans, till 1 A.M. It was a special night and so good to finally have mom and dad here!


Thursday May 20, 1999

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