A Beautiful Friendship

On the way to school I noticed that Beethoven s Ninth was on that night with the Kosice Philharmonic at Dom Umenia Little did I know, that would lead to a beautiful friendship.

After school, I ran over to get a ticket. But they were not selling tickets. I went to the will-call, and didn’t know what the guy said. As I was trying to figure out what “Meno” meant, I met the two young women standing near me. They also were trying to get tickets.


A Beautiful Friendship

We talked and waited together. Very friendly people, I spoke in German with the mom, Maria, and English with Elena the daughter. We stuck together, and a man gave up one ticket on his way in. They wanted me to take it. However, I insisted we wait and see what happens. We somehow ended up getting another ticket from a nice usher (like our neighbor Bob Baker in San Diego). And the daughter got in for free, since she is a student.

All three of us were able to sit together, up in the balcony. That night was the beginning of a beautiful friendship!

Friday, April 16 1999

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