
Elena and Maria met me last night Thursday at the Dom Umenia (House of Art), for the Mozart Requiem and Jupiter Symphony No. 41 my favorite. I had invited them and got two free tickets from school, plus I went and bought one ticket. When I was at the ticket counter, the clerk was smoking and talking with a friend. When she stopped to help me we spoke German and Slovak.

Meanwhile, a phone call came in from a customer who wanted tickets and the clerk was upset and totally rolling her eyes on the phone. After that, she got my ticket printed out and both of the ladies went into shock when I pulled out a 5,000 SK note, and said I was sorry I had no small change. They were completely blown over. So I had to go to the bank for change and come back.

Earlier in the day, I had gone to the medical center with Zuska. They had to call around to find the medication and the Apotek (pharmacy) finally had to order it and get it sent over.

For my lesson with the bad boys, only Martin showed up. It went okay once we started playing BINGO. He was drawing a soccer field on the board, to show me his position. Happy to end class, I ran home, then ran back up to Dom Umenia (House of Art), after dropping off my 20,000 SK.

Pic with Maria and Elena

After classes I went over to Dom Umenia and met Elena and Maria. The night we met was two weeks ago. They were happy to go and so was I. Luckily no one took the open seat next to them and we sat together.

During the “Pause” (intermission) we went upstairs to view art 🖼 on exhibition from an Austrian painter. He had excellent watercolor and pastels of cities in Slovakia, and of Vienna. I had been to nearly all of the locations.

Maria told me she is also a painter and has lessons on Thursday evenings. Tonight she had an absence. Both Maria and Elena asked me how I liked Bratislava. By now, I know the expected reply.

Not to mention, I was in the travel agent lobby last week and a gentleman started speaking to me in Slovak. I had no idea what he was saying. All I understood was “Bratislava” as he put his finger to his nose up in the air.

“Ya puy no domo spa.”

Friday night we Maria Elena and I met once again at the Dom Umenia. This time the sister Christina was there too. The group performing was a Spiritual Group from Czech Republic. They were very good, funny, and friendly with the audience. There was a cello, drum, violin and various instruments for six people. Plus they all sang at intervals. One of the songs was a sing-a-long. “Ya puy no domo spa.” I understood the meaning as, “I want to go home and sleep.” Boy did Elena and her mom have great voices. Loud, in tune, clear. It was great just sitting between them. I found out that they are a musical family. All of them play piano and sing. Elena is entering a singing contest in Bratislava, she’s sending a (cassette) tape.

After the concert, I commented on how friendly the singers were. Maria said that Czechs are really friendly people, and more so than Slovaks. She said that the Czechs are very musical and love music! Grandma always told me the same thing too! Afterwards, they called their nice dad and he came to pick us up, and we went to my flat.

I had prepared a torte ice-cream cake and Caro for them. They were all nice and dressed up. This time their dad wore a tie. (Last time when we met, he had on his PJ’s under a coat!) He was so nice and cute. He video-taped the whole event, and we set up the table with candles in the living room. It was really nice!

Their family invited me for Saturday, to go with them to their cottage, and agreed to pick me up at 9:00 am. So, we all wished each other a good-night with sweet dreams, and sang “Ya puy no domo spa” once more together as they left.


Saturday, 1 May, 1999



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