
Wondering if I Did the Right Thing

By 15:00 Sunday afternoon, I felt restless and ready to go out again. It looked so nice watching all the kids sledding from my windows. Now I’m wondering if I’m doing the right thing? I checked my (Slovakia travel) book and found a museum that was open until 18:00.

Feeling Lonely

I felt lonely and kind of sad, and still do. Walking to town even less people were out now. “Probably all with family and friends,” my lonely self surmised. Even when I got to the gallery, I didn’t feel like going in. So I walked back home the long way, down a pretty sidewalk all heaped in snow ❄️ on the sides, still feeling lonely and sad. (Mind you, I had left boyfriend, friends, family and job, all behind.) I passed a few people, then I stood still, and watched the kids 🛷 sledding.

There was one real cute pair— a little girl about six and her dad who was older (or grandpa). He kept on sliding down the hill with her, each time they’d go a little further, then he automatically turned around and started pulling her back up (the hill). When they got a certain way up, she’d get off the sled and walk next to him holding his hand, with the other hand on the stair rail, as he pulled the sled. They went on that way for about an hour. It was so endearing and reminded me (as did Hari and Dagi with Fabienne) of how great my parents are and always have been. Why did I leave them? Why did I leave boyfriend? The ones who love 💕 me the most.

Now I’m still wondering if I’m doing the right thing, and what I will do next?



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