I compiled this list of helpful Slovak Tips, for visiting the newly independent country in 1999. Not that any of them would apply today, but it’s interesting to look back on. At that time there were few, if any foreigners like me who visited. So you could expect a lot of stares.
Helpful Slovak Tips for Shopping
Grab a shopping basket or cart always upon entering the store, otherwise you run the risk of being accosted by the clerks.
Carry a 10 SK coin around for shopping carts; which you must insert to use and get back on return.
At a grocery store, select your fruit (hand pick), then weigh it on the scales provided (by pushing the button coordinated with the fruit). Or have the clerk in charge of weighing produce do it for you. And put the sticker on the bag.
At smaller markets, the clerk will weigh produce for you.
Expect to have about 4-6 clerks in a small market standing around and guarding the aisles. They will stare at you and follow you.
When buying cards, they will give you the envelope at the check-out counter.
Milk will curdle on the day it is dated until, without fail!
Drinks are not served ice-cold, even if you buy them from a fridge machine.
Ice is not served anywhere in drinks.
Restaurants and Other Helpful Tips
At restaurants, salt and pepper are in little bowls on the table for pinching 🤏 onto your food.
In the lifts, or elevators, they’re old fashioned. You have to push the button for the lowest floor first, and after that person gets off, push the button for the next floor.
Wash machines take up to three hours— they are extremely loud and archaic.
Fridges are noisy and old.
Dryers are non existent.
There are no dry cleaners.
May 1999
This is an excerpt from my Kosice Journal, documenting my exodus from a (relatively happy) bustling life in beautiful San Diego, to (voluntarily) take a post teaching English in the newly independent eastern capital of Slovakia during a very cold winter 1999.
Please comment if you have any corrections or updates on the current situation of Slovakia. As this list was compiled during my visit in 1999.