Slovak mail system

What a problem. First of all, the Slovak post office takes care of everything from film developing; to selling Easter cards; and selling phone cards, etc. But you cannot send international packages over two kilograms from the post. That’s the Slovak mail system. (In 1999.) 

Slovak mail system

You must go to the main customs at the train station to send packages by land (how logical); or to the airport to send them by air (where else?).

Earlier in the week on Monday, or even last week, I told Zuska about (needing to ship) my books. She said that she would have their customs people do it for me. Well, that never happened. Plus it was a crazy week, with Bibiana gone, many others on vacation, and Peter in the office.

Monday I reminded her, and always, “No problem. I will go with you.” I wanted to ship them before Friday, just in case.

Well, just in case happened, on my last day, Friday. After our second trip to the foreign police. The first trip to foreign police, I might add, was on Wednesday, as we had to meet with my landlord on Monday, to basically nullify the contract. She was upset because I told her that Mark would move in. Then Mark diddled around, and him or Arya couldn’t make up their minds; so we told her that he wasn’t moving in.

Passport for 1,000 SK

In spite of that, she let me leave, and we had to sign the termination to show the foreign police, where we went on Wednesday.

Luckily we went on Wednesday, as they already had my ID card ready, and now she gave it to me and kept my passport, for 1,000 SK until Friday (my last day) when we will come back to get it. Because they are closed on Thursdays. Go figure.

Also they needed Biba’s signature and she was on vacation. So Zuska signed it and told the landlady (who is very nice) that the driver brought her over real quick. Another lucky break. It also turned out lucky that I had 1,000 SK with me that a.m. to buy the stamp. And also lucky I had money with me on Monday to pay the rest of my rent, which came up unexpectedly. I only had it because I was trying to shop on the weekend. Luckily, uneventfully.


May 1999 


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