
Once there was a planet 🌏



And it had so many people,


With so much stuff.


They developed these things called brands


That competed against each other for which one could make and sell the most stuff


For people to buy and use and dispose of


And there were stores. Everywhere. Filled with stuff.


People bought the stuff. A lot of it. And used it. And disposed of it. Sometimes they just bought the stuff and never even used it. They just thought they had to have it. Because the brands did such a good job of convincing people they needed the stuff.


And the stores competed with each other to sell more stuff to more people.


But when the people were done with the stuff, it had nowhere to go. Except to pile up on the planet 🌎


The planet was limited in space and the stuff kept multiplying until there was no more room for more discarded stuff.


The people on that planet did not know what to do with all the stuff. So they just kept on making selling buying and discarding stuff.


Until one day the whole planet was covered and buried in piles of discarded stuff. And nobody could stop the piles of discarded stuff from getting bigger and deeper.


Once there was a planet 🌍


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