
Today I crossed paths with an incredible human being.

We’re complete strangers but just the fleeting moments we were in the same room made my soul ache to know more about her. I could tell that she was someone special when I caught her smile from across the room.

I’d just briefly chatted with her mom over an espresso ☕️ in the prosthetic fitting appointment for my husband. Then I saw her scoot by on a large tricycle, propelling herself with her lanky legs scraping the floor, blond bangs hanging above big blue eyes and an unforgettable beaming smile.

Happy and carefree as any other 12 year-old at the end of summer on a beautiful San Diego day. Then she scooted past me again, this time with her little sister sitting in front of her on the trike. Two little girls, sharing a fun childhood moment.

An Incredible Human Being

Nothing unusual about that. Except that this 12 year-olds white tennis shoes are attached to two shiny new prosthetic legs. And did ever she look great in them! 

As we passed the time, waiting for my husband’s prosthetic arm to be modified, we learned that the girl was from Ukraine. As were her mom and little sister. She had been badly injured and was found laying on the ground, her grandmother dead next to her. Her father, also dead from the fighting in Ukraine. 

I’d learned that there are now thousands of amputees in Ukraine mostly children and women, between 15,000 – 20,000 to be more exact. 

As a bilateral – meaning left and right – amputee she had gone through surgery and needed follow up care to keep her out of a wheelchair and able to walk for the rest of her life.

Her little sister was floating around with her arms outstretched, spinning and laughing. Like kids do. The mini denim jacket she wore had “Love Always” in bright pink letters emblazoned across the back.

They had been lucky enough to come here to San Diego to receive proper care and professional prosthetic fittings. From what we understand, there are thousands of children and women who are not so lucky, and they wait for medical supplies and appointments that may never come.

I  feel compelled to share the spark that I was able to see in this incredible being of light. As we left our appointment, I brushed shoulders with the girl, nearly my height, and we exchanged smiles. It’s a smile and a story I will never forget.


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