
What a nice enjoyable day I made for myself today! I decided to take a Sunday Tour of Košice Churches. I slept well and woke up feeling refreshed. Had a dream that Jan and Jim LaGrone will sell me their small chateau in France next year! Must talk to them about this.

It had snowed enough overnight to pleasantly dust the surroundings in a blanket of white. How poetic I become after just a couple sips of Pilsner Urquell which I bought at Tesco for 18.9 SK a bottle (just over .50 cents). I’m now sitting at my little table, cooking some noodles and mushrooms 🍄, looking out my large window, and I see the lovely sun 🌞 just now shining through the deep winter haze.

This a.m. I was motivated to actually write some postcards for the first time since I left home. In fact, yesterday I was (feeling) so down before I wrote in my journal, I had to literally drag myself off the bed, and bribe myself with Mozart and chocolate 🍫 to write ✍️ and get up. Today was better. I felt okay- good and self-motivated. Must be the pep-talk last night.

Greek – Catholic Church

Started out about 11 a.m. wading through snow and slush to a church tour, since I heard it was standing room only on Sundays. My first stop was the Greek -Catholic church. It was so beautiful Baroque inside; all pastel blue, pale yellow, gold and white. It was packed, so I stood in the vestibule with a mother and child. The priest (?) and assistants wore beautiful Baroque gold satin robes. The little choir boys wore white robes. The procession going on when I walked in consisted of the gold-robed-guy holding up an icon portrait in front of each choir boy (St. Nicholas perhaps?). Then every child from the stands came up to the front and had it held in front of them too, then ran back to their seats. The whole time, a beautiful choir was singing. A perfectly great atmosphere and surroundings.

church interior

Dominican Church

My next stop was the Dominican Church, actually the oldest building in Kosiće, built in 1290. It too was packed with people going in and standing. I helped a mother and stroller go in, as she had asked me in Slovak to help her. Yesterday (and before) I had people talk to me in Slovak too; like asking me where the cappuccino was in the grocery store. “I look just like them.”

I don’t believe I mentioned either, the woman in the store was rearranging the (unwrapped) bread loaves on the shelves, and dusting the crumbs off the shelves.

Anyway, the Dominican Church smelt too strongly like everyone had eaten Slovak garlic 🧄 soup last night. It wasn’t as appealing and ornate; only an organ playing- and I ventured on.

Košice Dominican Church

Church of the Holy Trinity

This church has many names. Commonly known as the Premonstratensian Church (Slovak: Premonštrátny kostol), or initially the Jesuit Church.

Church of the Holy Trinity Kosice

Calvinist Church

Next church was the stoic simplified Calvinist Church. All the people dressed in furs and dark coats were filing out, as I filed in to see. Not much attraction here.

Košice Calvinist Church

Metsky Park

Next I ventured through side streets (passed a floral shop -smelled great-that was open, and Bata Shoe store, also open) to Metsky Park. It looked nice as I walked through in the snow. Park benches abound, a kiosk for concerts, pine trees🌲covered in snow, monuments, and snow filled pools and fountains. It lead to the train and bus station. On the way back, I was waiting for a photo opp, camera 📷 in hand; and low and behold once again was hounded by pesky Gypsy kids.

Jacob’s Gallery

Next I visited the Jacob’s Gallery. Mostly art from Czech-Slovak artists mid 1850-1900, and up to 1935. Also some propaganda art. Only three other people going around museum.

Jakobs Palace

St. Elizabeth’s Cathedral

In the center of the old town square, is the landmark St. Albety’s or St. Elizabeth’s Cathedral. I walk by this gothic majestic building every day coming and going to my apartment, school, the internet club, and everywhere I am heading.St. Elizabeth's Cathedral Košice

St. Michael’s Chapel

Right adjacent to St. Elizabeth’s looming majestic Cathedral sits the welcoming St. Michael’s Chapel. I pass by here multiple times daily, too.

St. Michael ChapelTesco

Well then it was only 13:00 and I didn’t feel like visiting the Technology Museum or more churches. I’d seen lots of people with Tesco bags, so went to hit Tesco. So I wouldn’t be bored to to wits at home, I wanted to get a project, so I bought (yes, I’ve gone completely mad) a coloring book and crayons!


This is an excerpt from my Kosice Journal, documenting my exodus from a (relatively happy) bustling life in beautiful San Diego, to (voluntarily) take a post teaching English in the newly independent eastern capital of Slovakia during a very cold winter 1999.



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