
Sightseeing and Mozart in Prague

We incidentally stumbled upon our real breakfast room, where the “adults” were eating, complete with yogurt and juice, water, poppy rolls. An early start put us on the walking road at 10 a.m.

Took our time, perusing the shops and streets meandering up to the castle area through Mala Strana. It was sunny, warm, and not too crowded either. We looked in antique shops, crystal, folk crafts, traditional clothing, keychains and spoons for Aunt Lil.

It was pleasant getting up to the top, where we had a great view and heard a Czech band impromptu playing polkas with accordion 🪗, oboe, violin and cello. They were singing too. It was really good and we got a tape for Grandma.

Watched the guards in uniform in front of the palace and walked through first and second courtyards into an area around St. Vitus Cathedral. Impressive and grande. We spent a lot time inside there and got to go in the St. Wenceslas Chapel and the tomb of the 5- Star guy John Neparom, whose tomb was 1,000 pounds of silver, including (two tons silver) an angel pointing at his tongue (Nepomuk) which was actually his brain, because he wouldn’t divulge the queen’s confession.


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