
Exploring Shanghai

Well now I’ve gotten good and comfortable with taking taxis home, but I still like to take the shuttle to town. Yesterday, in fact, I met a nice young, fun mom and daughter from Pennsylvania. They informed me on a lot of various Shanghai tips; much of what I knew, but also interesting new info.

One thing she mentioned was that if you (being me, or her) have a teaching credential- with or without actual experience under your belt- you can teach here at one of the Shanghai International or American Schools. She had been offered a job from the superintendent of the American School. I too, have been checking billboards and job postings everywhere for teaching school or teaching English, and for writing opps – all which abound!

There is ample opportunity here for someone of my nature and inclination, just providing of course, one has the time to do it – and often too, one should have the housing or at least an allowance. Incidentally, I now have boyfriend considering a move this far east to teach golf at the newly opened 54 hole Binhai Golf Paradise. If it includes living on the luxury premises and good pay, then we are here!

After that convo yesterday, I overheard two teachers (a couple) who teach at the American School. Soon, I was invited to sit and drink my coffee with them, as they told me how wonderful the students were. They said that international schools are great- they taught for 15 years before this in Jakarta; and met before that in Iran 🇮🇷. What neat people!

Reflection that nowadays with everyone on their cellphones, these interactions would be less likely to happen. And for many of us, that’s a big joy of travel- meeting fellow travelers.

It (this meeting) got me hooked on wanting to teach again and to call boyfriend this instant and review our choices. They (the couple) asserted that it’s much better to get hired as a relocation hire (ie. in America or even Hong Kong 🇭🇰) than here in Shanghai or else they don’t pay housing allowance. That is a key factor. They were surprised that I heard the school was in need of teachers.

Finally I meandered on to the Shanghai Museum for one final go round, which I enjoy so much. I saw the porcelain great rooms, ceramics, bronze and sculpture galleries. What nice pieces were in the ceramics and porcelain!!

On my way to the Shanghai Museum, I walked down a new street- which turned out to be the automotive parts avenue- and I happened upon a nice bird and flower market!

There was a pottery stall where I did an impressive (to myself anyway!) bargaining display of skills on a nice pair of vases. We started bargaining with (the merchant) wanting 60 Yuan for one – and sly little me, got two for the low price of 55 Yuan. Am I good or am I good?! She got a little pissed, but gave me her business card at the end. 

I also reserved and paid for my trip on Saturday to Suzhou, which I’m excited about!


Sunday 19 September, 1999


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