
Leaving Slovenia 🇸🇮

This morning we headed on back to the train station, which didn’t open till right before the departure time, and only took cash in Slovenian Tolar. I had to scramble for the ticket to Jesenice (where they didn’t even check and I could have kept my souvenir bills!) Also I paid in DM from Jesenice to Munich, which I had to borrow from Michael.

Finally we arrived, after beautiful Alpine mountain green scenery; one of the highest train passes; and one of the longest tunnels. The Slovenian countryside and flower bedecked houses are so typical Austrian looking and neat. Only the way they stack the hay today is different; and the long high vine flowers they grow- beans or morning glories.

Back in Munich

It was so good to be back “home” in Munich, which is probably the city that I feel most at home in, here in Europe. It’s comfortable and so nice, stress-free, and always centered around me and days of fun, leisure, pleasure sightseeing, museums, history, cafés and good food. Good times always with Michael and his wonderful good cooking are always a treat; as is his clean neat apartment; his continental entertaining; and the late (if not totally early) leisurely Frühstücks! I miss that, especially now!!

So we unpacked and I called mom and dad. Then we headed out to walk Schwabing. Many, many students, strollers, Schickies and tourists. It’s like P.B. in San Diego, but a little more elegant. The International university and student area has great shopping, cafés, restaurants and bars.

Before the walking we had a nice spontaneous Thai dinner at a new restaurant where Michael knew the owner. It was great and a sentimental dinner, once again leaving Europe and burying my watch in the rice bowl. I missed the time we did that too with Dagi and Gustave- the year of my, our great Spain adventure. I miss those days already!


Sunday 1 August, 1999



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