
It’s my last weekend in  and I feel exited about all my future plans. This is probably the most exciting point for me. As of next Friday I will be a round-about gal for the next few months.

Last Weekend in Košice

I’ve got such a fun, exciting and at the same time relaxing and enjoyable itinerary planned, it’s incredible. I feel a bit sad about leaving (Kosice) probably more sentimental than anything. Even though I haven’t hit three months, there isn’t much new to do here.

Although I love my new routine here, of running in the evenings with a few other local lunatics, coming home and cooking pasta or thin crusted pizza and watching CNN or BBC news to update daily on the Kosovo Crisis. I enjoy the daily briefings from the White House, Tony Blair, and the United Nations Secretary General. I relish my leisurely a.m. routine of coffee, muslix, and yogurt while perusing the Slovak Spectator, Wine Spectator, and reading about Prague and Paris…

*** Meanwhile this is all taking place with the backdrop of the Kosovo War. Each night there are NATO planes flying over us. Writing this on Friday night, I’m watching BBC Kosovo update. There have been four explosions in Belgrade during the past 17 minutes alone. ***

I’ve got to know people at the Internet Klub and Info Center from my daily visits there. I like walking through the daily (except Monday) market.

Friday, 7 May 1999



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