
First thing in the morning as we got into the car, for our trip to the country house, Christina asked if she could call me “Du”. I said, “Yes, of course!” At first, I didn’t understand the word “Duzen” which means literally du saying. So we proceeded to have an official Duzen Ceremony! One of the traditions still practiced in Austria and Germany.


Duzen Ceremony

When we got to the cottage Vladimir said that were going to have a drink and a “duzen” ceremony. So we had some brandy shots and all said our names: Vlado, Maria, Cheryl and we did the duzen shots. It was quite nice and the first time I’d ever done that.

(Besides with Luise’s dad at her Hochzeit wedding.) And the funny thing is we did that, and all of us are not Deutsch! (German!)


May 1999


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