
On my last week, Peter was talking to me about my last salary. He questioned me about how much my visa costs were, right in the reception, in front of students, staff, and everyone. Bibiana and Yanka always took always took me into the meeting room and closed the door, even (to discuss over) much smaller items. It was amazing. Plus he didn’t know how much my visa was, nor who had paid for it, nothing! He wasn’t even sure if it was between 12,000 or 4,000 SK.

Last Salary

I know at one point, Bibiana wrote that the visa costs were $300, which would mean 12,000 SK. When I applied for the Slovak visa they (Berlitz) paid, and were going to take the amount out of my last check. I’m not sure what it was, maybe 5,000 or 3,000. She didn’t tell me- or I didn’t know.

Anyway on my last day, Peter wanted to take out 4,000 Slovak Krowns, but Zuska told him, “No that’s not fair. She was such a good teacher and had no problems. She was the best teacher we have and never any problems…” So he only took out 2,000 and said, “Dobry.” (Good).

Zuska totally came to my rescue! She even told me yesterday, “You are the first and last one without any problems!” I replied, “Only coming and going.” As my first night was a nightmare and I caused a stink. Also my last day was a problem.




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