

Here are some of the places my life of travel and wanderlust has led me to. The journey continues.


Travels enrich our life and make our experience here on earth more enjoyable. In my world travels I’ve met the kindest most helpful people who have helped shape my understanding of humanity. That’s what I’ve written about and wish to share with you here.

  • Bin ich gestern mit Lucille and Frank to the best Wienerschnitzel Hause im Wien gegangen. They were larger than the 12” plates and killer-ness. Love it all. At first am Morgan we were too full, but at noon decided to

  • We slept until 11:00 a.m. and were feeling well rested, when I went down to the petite dejeunier room and conjured (after receiving many scowled glares) up two delicious strong Café Au laits. When can I take you out? On the way

  • Suzhou  Expedition Well, the morning started out good enough as I was really excited about my Suzhou expedition. I arrived early at the Yangtze New World Hotel to wait for the tour bus to pick me up. The concierge kept checking

  • Tuesday they packed the girls room and the study, so our refuge was the master bedroom. Frank had to return to Prague, in the afternoon, which left Lucille and I to tackle the misgivings. After they finished in the hot,



1 destinations

What can I say, I love desserts. "Life is too short, eat dessert first," has long been my favorite motto. Everywhere I travel, I am sure to find yummy pastry shops and bakeries just as soon as I land. However they have to be worth the calories, in looks and in taste.

Living Abroad

5 destinations

I’ve spent years living abroad and there’s nothing like it! I appreciate going away and I'm always happy coming back home. My travels took me to Europe and Asia. So far I've transcribed and shared the travel journals from my Year Living on Three Continents, including China and Europe in 1999. And my year living in Austria in 1990 is coming up next for posting! I have definitely transformed as a person, in relation to the person I was at those times.


1 destinations

Cruising is what I love doing best when traveling with my husband! The West Indies and the Mexican Riviera are our usual winter getaways. I have shared some of my cruising travel journals here and will be sharing more as I transcribe them. Our recent West Indies Cruise for my BIG Birthday celebration is next to publish!


Some of the most life-changing journeys I've taken, were to these destinations.


Do you love travelling or just want to travel more? I’m excited about exploring other cultures and visiting new places. My life journeys are different from the usual places. I’ve been out and exploring the world since I was a kid, traveling with my family.

I’d like to get to know more about your experiences too. Please share your thoughts and suggestions for the best travel destinations.

Cheri Orange