
Shanghai Museum

Tonight, Lucille had invited me to the Mexican Food Festival (at the International East Asia Hotel) where her and Franko were last night! Funny that the Food & Bev Manager there is from San Diego!

Well, first I had to do my thing. I caught the normal 9:30 shuttle to the Portman and walked down Nianjing Lu again even farther until I came to the part that is blocked off to traffic. They are still building there and finishing granit-izing the sidekwalk all over Nanjiang. The pedestrian area is one huge shopping megalith conglomerate after another. I couldn’t brave myself to go in any of them.

I was looking to find what I thought was the hotel where we were to meet tonight. Luckily, I found out it was on another side of town, much closer to our house.

I then back headed to find the newly renovated, awesome nice Shanghai Museum. I went underground through the metro tunnel (amazingly huge and terribly crowded with 4 or 5 exits and people all over!!!) where I happened to see Swedish Paula and her mom from our complex (small town!). Once I emerged back above ground in the haze of the city I headed toward the building which looked to me like the inverted Chinese sailing vessel that the museum was designed as, only to be shooed vigorously away by a security guard.

So instead I headed across the street to a second possibility building. That was it! Surrounded by water fountains and the green grass, grey concrete paths, and orange toadstool lamp-terns of Reminbi Park, the museum is shrouded in the dull gaiety of a communist style People’s Park. It works though, as it was crowded with all 99% dark-haired Chinese, or at least Asian people. I exchanged photo taking with a Chinese passer by and by 14:00 finally made it into the museum.

Naturally, I had to start out in the Tea Room, where I ordered a pot and glass of hot tea leaves, smelling like spinach, and a choco cake, sort of green colored with mousse.

Then I called a number for the Shanghai Film Studios and a possible job opportunity part-time. Checked out the museum shops and did the great “Ethnic Minority Costume” section of the museum. Some of the clothes I would wear! Really I remember how much I dig that ethnic character stuff. Maybe it’s my authentic self. Interestingly, I bought two great character old style Cheri Savvy type now blouses just before I made it to the museum. They were 197 Yuan total for two, it was like I felt so good when I tried them on and liked them on me, and bought them. Although I’ve gotten into wearing a stack of white tees and khaki or navy shorts over the last three months!

Next, I did the Jade Gallery and the Coin and Calligraphy Galleries. It’s great with audio phones for the numbered displays – you can go at your own pace and it’s totally beautiful. The calligraphy displays have automatic lighting which dims when no-one is there, and brightens as you get nearer. It’s so modern and a gorgeous airy museum!

Saturday, 11 September 1999


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