
Parading Circus

Today we were the parading circus. Lucille, Sophia, Vera and I all in our sunglasses and Leon in the stroller, walking down the street, as no foreigners walk here. The driver offered to drive us, but it wasn’t so hot, and we needed to learn our way around.

As we trotted along, we were continually being passed by Chinese on bicycles carrying all sorts of loads – crates, sticks, piles of leaves, and used tires. Some were pulling wicker baskets, some were carrying children, many Chinese were also walking past, pointing, staring and smiling.

All the trucks going by beeped. And as we passed workers both young and old, they stopped dead in their tracks long before we got to them, and continued staring long after we’d gone by.

In the market we got to see live fish, prawns, crabs, and shrimp of all sizes, a huge tank full of live green frogs, a tank of swimming eels, and a snake tank… all for the purchase to enjoy a fresh meal. There were also, on the other hand, a lot of name brands, including Bics, M & M’s, Yoplait…a real mixture of West and East. The next market we shopped was well stocked too from Kendall Jackson wines (219 Y – 299 Y) and a Pop-Tart and cereal corner to black chickens and half fishes.

At the house we swam in the pool after a quick and sweltery visit to Luise’s new pad. Lucille gave the girls swim emersion lessons and they ducked under water and “swam” for the first time. They were scared and excite all at once; then totally proud afterwards. Leon and I sat on the grass, cheering them on.

We were royally treated by Mrs. W.’s servants. The cleaning Aiy completely rearranged all of my already organized stuff, and hid suitcases and all into the closets. Upon a later inspection, I realized not only had she meticulously arranged all of my cosmetics, but she had cleaned every single hair out of my brushes!!! She also hung my clothes outside to dry and took great care of every tiny detail.

We were also treated to a wonderful dinner prepared by Mrs. W.’s cooking Aiy. She was so cute and friendly and loves the baby. The food which we fasted all day for (or I did)… except for a ginger cake spread with chocolate…was awesome! We had rice with cooked bean sprouts; a special “beef smelling like fish” which is a national dish of Sechuyan also red pepper or tomato, a root vegetable, and noodles in it, excellent!! It’s part sweet and part sour. She also prepared green snow peas with carrots and broccoli. And for us a pasta dish which I couldn’t touch. We drank a really refreshing Tiger Beer too. What a way to enjoy China!


Monday 16 August, 1999




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