
My Yoga Class with Pattabhi Jois

Well, this was a lifetime experience! Wow! After the class, SF Boyfriend still could not believe the guy is 80! We arrived much later than most of the 300 people filling the hall. As we started to set up in the back of the hall, sweet boyfriend, who has barely practiced, says, “Let’s go up front!” So we started our own row, right smack dab in front row.

I was practically getting a private lesson from Master Jois himself, as Kate (my yoga teacher class friend) remarked afterwards. Poor sweet boyfriend could not hardly move for two days after that. (I however did not feel a thing.) I was without a mat- the only one in 350 – and Mr. Jois was relentless in the jump throughs. If I didn’t do something fully, he told me to do it, and even held me up, or put me into the pose. He held me up in Eka Pada Uttanasana and in Sirsasana, which I don’t know how I did on the wooden floor without a mat. I told myself then, “If you are ever going to do Headstand, then now is the time, with Mr. Jois holding my feet up.”

He would tell me too, in Warrior One, “Put your hands together!” as he pushed them together; or “fold forward” or “go down” as he pushed at me. It was real memorable and a different style! Like I heard Mr. Iyengar is. I wanted to have him circulate the room, but he kept right by us the whole time.

After class people were paying their respects, but we had to leave for work.

Thursday, 21 April, 1999


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