
Had a good sound nights sleep, awaking well-rested at 7:30 to see that it had snowed six or more inches during the night. No sun in sight and snow on the ground below still, untracked, silent, and empty. Peaceful.

I had cap (cappuccino), bread, and EuroCream (generic Nutella) as I looked over my maps of churches and landmark histories in the area. Armed with my shopping list, I bundled up and got going about 10:00. More snow means, shopping!

There was no problem finding my way (walking) to town. In fact, it only takes 10-12 minutes to get to the main pedestrian area. Lots of people were out and about. In a good mood, I felt like exploring. I checked out all the interesting shops and little passageways in one section of the small town. I ran across a very nice, lovely smelling floral design gift place. May be nice to do an article about for GBR (Gift Basket Review). Discovered many bookshops (including an English section in one bookshop).

More Snow and More Shopping

You can really buy it all here. The Slovak Republic has really embraced consumerism. Their advertising however leaves room for improvement, as do window displays and store lures.

At TESCO there was a promo stand for “Always” pantyhose liners! She even had a book with plastic pages displaying the different thicknesses—and a whole crowd of interested consumers standing around her.

In the grocery department a gal was giving out samples of whiskey 🥃 attracting a lot of older men. Two German men were analyzing foods and wines for potential of import/export. First I took a peruse through the whole store, then I went back through with a cart.

As I was buying my silverware and glasses, a guy in front of me in line was buying a Brita replacement filter. A small crowd of people surrounded a talking stuffed animal display, and another group crowded around the air fresheners (aerosol spray cans) checking out different scents.

I saw property advertisements displaying a house for 5 million SK ($150,000) and a trip to Los Angeles 16,600 SK, which is only $500?

You can buy all of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books in hardcover, translated into Slovak; the Mars Venus book; books on Esoterica; Ramses the Great King of Egypt 🇪🇬; and all the top authors; anything.

I bought some napkins, (Slovak style blue and white), some candles, notebooks, and my utensils and glasses. Spotted some elegant gold trimmed crystal glasses, that I’ll figure out how I’m going to get home with me.

Did I mention that yesterday I had pizza 🍕 and coke for lunch at Little Cesar’s? Yes I did. It cost less than $2.00.

After the grocery expedition, I managed quite easily to get home with all my einkaufs Sache. I made my instant bean soup, had bread and Ällgaüer Käse, then did some laundry and worked on unpacking.


This is an excerpt from my Košice Journal, documenting my exodus from a (relatively happy) bustling life in beautiful San Diego, to (voluntarily) take a post teaching English in the newly independent eastern capital of Slovakia 🇸🇰 during a very cold winter 1999.




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