
Mom and Dad Arrive in Munich

Got up early at 6:30, after only six hours, to have a cup of joe and head off to the Ü-Bahn. Luckily I ran and caught the one in time for my connection to the S-Bahn going to the Flüghafen (airport). I was lucky 🍀 to realize that the train was to split – and had to run out at a stop and change (train) cars.

Had plenty of time at the airport to inquire and wait for the flight von (from) San Francisco, that mom and dad were on. I had tears of joy when the screen flashed “descending”. I couldn’t believe they were finally coming!! As I had been counting the hours and what they must have been doing since 18:00 last night (when they left the house in San Diego).

I was right at the window when mom and dad suddenly appeared to get their passports stamped. They were looking tired but happy! My next mission was to locate Dagi and family. I was looking for them and finally found them (all except her dad) and was greeting them, and hugging, when mom and dad snuck up behind us! It was a great reunion, and the parental units were surprised to see everyone!

Once we regrouped, had a photo session in the parking lot, and organized into three cars, we started to “follow” Gerhardt and Marlene. However, we lost sight of them; then Harald and I thought we were driving in the wrong direction, so we and Dagi (with mom and dad and Fabi) all turned around and headed on another freeway. Somehow after 45 minutes or so, we were almost to our destination when Marlene and Gerhardt appeared in front of us, by a small town street!

We were visiting a small pretty “sea” lake Ammersee – oder etwas. Our first stop was direct into the Baroque Roccoco church. Total culture shock von dem Flüg! It had a great gold gilded alter radiating spires like Johan Fisher Avon Erlach. Ammersee is where we were and a Cloister Andechs. It was so baroque, gold, pastel, and beautiful.

Found a nice restaurant where we ate a traditional Bavarian lunch! We all had a beer stein, some pretzels 🥨, a weiss würst for dad, Leibekase für mich, und a cutlet plate with cheese for mom. Senf too.

We had such a nice time that Marlene and Gerhardt waren da auch! Even with the languages, it was no barrier. Dad and Gerhardt were communicating just fine! It was great – Dagi’s dad had also learned some more English words since they had been back to America twice already!

Shortly thereafter we parted ways and headed off towards Singen to the “Buntes Haus” in Shienen, as Fabi says. Mom slept in Dagi’s car. Dad did too. Hari and I talked. We all took a very nice stop in Binau. It was gemütlich and well country style decorated. We had coffee and nice tarts of rhubarb. Fabi was taking the “Munce” out of Dagi’s purse, as well as the 50 Mark bills and distributing them to everyone.

We made it home after a few small purchases, including six bottles of wine for the Swiss fondue tomorrow night.

Sunday 16 May, 1999

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