
Wir sind mit dem Bus eine Stunde nach Madrid gefahren. Traffic Stall. We had to wave the bus down to stop, uns abzuholen aus dem Oliven Bäumen. We were supplanted in Madrid neben ein von vielen Arches-Denkmalen (memorials). We first walked through schönen Park-Wasser-Denkmal-Blumen Garten.

Madrid Episode Spain 

Viele statues of Kings, Carlos V, Felipe II, Bilder haben wir in El Prado gesehen. The Prado war große, viele Goya we enjoyed of everyday life scenes; some royal portraiture by Velasquez (court painter of the rich and beautiful?!) Also Ribera, the national compatriot of his day, who painted all the Saints twice-over in the manner of Caravaggio.

We saw El Greco’s in vivid colorings of sickly green-yellow Mannerism palates. The Picasso’s El Guernica, La Guernica was sehr heiß! We enjoyed viewing it at our leisure through bullet-proof glass before the bus loads of Japanese and Hungarian arrived. Not to mention the countless, priceless objects d’ art that we viewed underneath condom shaped glass covers.

Then the Palace Royal Real, where Dagi didn’t pass the X-Ray requirement exam für Eintritt. Abwohl der Guard hatte ein Bier getrunken. But it was Siesta Zeit. We were dead-tired, resting in the courtyard of Palace Real; then moved on to Plaza Mayor, wo Dagi hatte Tapas gegessen und ich habe $16 für Glacé bezahlt. We met a guy from Ecuador 🇪🇨 and one from Guatemala 🇬🇹 who tried to warn us about the prices; and one tried to help us get tickets to a rad-looking evening show- concert in Plaza Mayor. Sie waren ausverkauft.

We scratched unsere Pläne alle der Nacht in Madrid zu bleiben when we found out that Sky Garden Disco 🪩 gibt gar nicht mehr – und that there was no certain way we’d make it out alive- of Madrid till the bus came to take us back to camp Platz at 9 a.m. the following morning.

So we shortened our day, and ended it by having a killer Ausblick von oben von Madrid, in ein kleines Café wo wir tortilla España gegessen haben. Then we made it with only seconds to spare, getting on the right green bus heading back to El Escorial.


Summer 1992


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