
After the family was done in the bathroom, I got to go in while they waited downstairs at the Früstücks Buffet. I dressed, wrote Easter cards and wrapped gifts for the girls.

In the breakfast area, Strauss waltzes were playing and Dagi, Hari and Fabi were ready to go. We proceeded to take the U-Bahn with hundreds of other people and tourist buses to Schönbrunn Palace. It couldn’t have been a more beautiful day! The sun was out, it was a totally clear blue sky and peaceful, relaxing, pleasant day.

Easter Sunday in Vienna

We managed to steer away from the literal herds and found a nice little rotunda with trees and park benches, and lots of little pebbles for Fabienne to pick up.

Harald and “his girl” had a nice peaceful two hour nap, while us gals shot the shit. It was a perfect chance to speculate, ruminate, reminisce, and articulate. That we did. When the little princess woke up, we had a mini Easter egg hunt and then got to hear her practice her first dialogue – complete with hand gestures ala Flora. It was about the Österhäse and her tricycle. Oh, and Papa and Mama and Cheri, too.

After we were done being entertained, and saw the two sets of three fat women, we proceeded on to leisurely wander the gardens of Schönbrunn. It was so peaceful, warm, sunny and beautiful. There were hundreds or even thousands of people from all over the world enjoying the day together in peace ☮️. What a nice feeling and so good to see in the midst of this Kosovo conflict. We all felt it was a special day.

We found a sandbox which proved entertaining for a while, after stopping for a coffee and a Strüdle break. Then there was a nice restaurant where Dagi. Add reservations at a nice table for 18:00. Strolling around till then, with Dagi telling Fabi tales of the princes and princesses who lived and danced in Schönbrunn Palace. She was aüfgerecht (excited).

The dinner proved Wünderbar. We were able to order Wienerschnitzel, but unable to eat it all. It was quite good. We did save room to share a special Viennese Palatschinken however, which we consumed while going over the situation between boyfriend my love, and myself- his love. As Dagi pointed out, Not too bad if we are discussing it over a chocolate palatschinken. Venus, the planet of love was the only star 🌟 in the clear sky when we walked outside and stood in front of the fountain. It must be a sign, too.

Sunday 4 April, 1999


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