
It’s the day before I teach my first lesson at Berlitz. My first real student is Mr. Manasek at 8:00 Monday. It goes until 9:30 and then I’m free until 15:00. Rough job, huh? 

This week, I visited Tesco and DARGO on a daily basis. Tesco is always packed. It takes away my homesickness from leaving my career at Nordstrom, and always being around customers shopping.

Day Before My First Lesson at Berlitz

Today was a good day. I had a leisurely breakfast which extended into lunch before I left the flat. Spent the morning looking at my Writers Market Guide, getting ideas and email /sites. I continued where I left off last night in trying to plan for Michael’s arrival and where we’ll go. I’ve already requested the days off.

Finally I made it outside. Beautiful blue skies, didn’t even need gloves 🧤 today. I went the long way into, around, through, and all over town. Stopped in my fave florist, bookshop. Sat in a church where young students gathered and sang really well with guitar and percussion accompaniment. It was super! Reminded me of old St. Barbara’s Church in Dearborn.

Then of course went to Tesco. Bought two dish towels- one for kitchen and one for bath mat. Also got a nice book on Slovakia 🇸🇰. It shows all the towns where I’m considering to visit with Michael. They look nice.

Everything looked nicer today than last Sunday. Today the main street (Hlvana) was crowded with people walking, strolling, talking, meeting, chasing children, eating popcorn. It was a great atmosphere!

The sun stayed out and skies stayed blue. It was too nice to go in a museum. Even as I reluctantly headed home at 16:30, the streets were still busy. I passed some Gypsy pesks and also passed a group of people standing around a tree in the snow. They had lit candles 🕯 and held a banner and looked like they had an evergreen wreath. They appeared to be singing or talking.

At home, I was a bit lonely so I tried to keep occupied. I did some wash, organized my papers, made my own notebook. Watched Love Boat and Bay Watch dubbed in Slovak. I even know when shows come on here. They’re at off times, as they’re shown with no commercials, or only one.

I feel prepared and like I’m going to enjoy teaching at Berlitz! At least my first lesson tomorrow will go really well. I know it will! “You’re the best, Cheri!” I encouraged myself.


Sunday 28 February, 1999

This is an excerpt from my Kosice Journal, documenting my exodus from a (relatively happy) bustling life in beautiful San Diego, to (voluntarily) take a post teaching English in the newly independent eastern capital of Slovakia during a very cold winter 1999.



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