
Today my morning was free so I spent time checking things out. I went to town to an English-speaking to check on fares for M and D. They are not going to get anything good here. It is cheap, however for a RT Vienna – San Diego, about $500 or less.

Checking Things Out

Also it’s cheap to get a ticket for Vienna – Shanghai RT. Just a little over $500. Vienna – Greece is about $200 – very cheap! And Cuba (just checking) about $600. Some flights were available on Air Slovakia.

My classes started at 14:45. I taught an English lesson Yvonna from the staff. Then two units individual lesson, and a three person group straight through. In the group lesson we did “Buying a tie at the store.” It was fun.

I called M and D early before my class with Mr. Mantusak. They will most likely go with the May dates they gave me as they’re the only available times using their free (flight) ticket until fall. They informed me they’d like to visit Prague too, and dad even thought we could visit Budapest. I asked if they want to sleep?? And said I’d try to arrange it as best I could.

My classes went till 12:30 then I went to the store, checked email, and emailed boyfriend, whom I haven’t heard from since Sunday. I tried to arrange a revised itinerary for M and D and went back to school (Berlitz) for my night class. They watched a video and then we had two group sessions. I got good involvement after initial reluctance from a new member.

Before the class, I re-called mom and dad to let them know it was good for them to come in May and I was working out a plan! We are happy.


Tuesday 9 March, 1999

This is an excerpt from my Kosice Journal, documenting my exodus from a (relatively happy) bustling life in beautiful San Diego, to (voluntarily) take a post teaching English in the newly independent eastern capital of Slovakia🇸🇰 during a very cold winter 1999.



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