
Yes, see what this week will bring. Lo and behold… I woke up feeling good, but a bit like not going to school- my semi-depressed, anti-motivated state of mind – missing boyfriend, loneliness, etc. Well, I got to school and had a fax! A Life -Changing Fax! Aren’t Mondays the day!!!

It seems lately that every time I get a fax, it changes my life and elevates my mood tremendously! So, it was with the life-changing fax from Luise:


Dear Cheri:

Last night I had an idea- which sounded great to Fritz too. What about if you would act as our first Au Pair (kind of). You help me pack a.s.o., flight ✈️ to Shanghai (we pay!), stay in a nice hotel (room with the girls), and help me move into the house, maybe stay till Christmas (we pay you as an Au Pair), maybe take Chinese lessons, and come to Thailand with us! Let me know! It would be great.

Love, Luise


So, was I in shock or what???! I was so excited I couldn’t concentrate and was bursting with the news! Luise was so excited too, she called me at school already in the a.m. and I told her it sounded good, and I’d email her this afternoon.

I am very stoked about this ideal opportunity. It could be super! I emailed them to be certain about it, expressing that it was very exciting and enticing too!

Plans for the Future

I had already mentioned that I looked into fares RT Wien – Shanghai ( $500) and had offered to help her move for free. Half serious. Well now she seems very serious- and they would need to pay someone to help anyway. Especially with three children and Leon will be under one year-old. They will probably go in August, and she would like to send the container ahead in July.

So, if this goes through, I would only stay at Berlitz till June 18, and then hopefully, boyfriend will come out and visit. Then I’d go see Michael and Dagi before going to Wien for July, until we go to Shanghai! Wopeee!

The time would go by so fast! Five months are really nothing. Maybe boyfriend would even meet us in Thailand 🇹🇭 for Christmas. So that’s what I hope. I would be all figured out until next January 2000. And I really really really want boyfriend to get out here in the end of June. He said it’s a possible time. He’d just have to get someone to run the events then. (We were running a amateur golf tour.)


 Monday 15 March, 1999



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