

Today was a goof-off day. After dinner Todd was playing on the table and Mr. Lomas drove by and said over the loud speaker, “What are you doing on the table Todd?” Then he took Todd and me for a ride in his rangers truck.

August 21, 1976


This morning by 10:30 we were at the Tetons. We ate breakfast at the Grill – salty oatmeal, yeach! Then we drove around and saw the Transparent Chapel and we drove through Jackson Hole. We saw arches made of antlers there. We had a nice meal at the Chuckwagon Restaurant.

215 miles

August 22, 1976


Today was a rainy day we stayed inside. I wrote letters, painted and read. We called Gross’s and had a Pounce game. We lost.

August 23, 1976


We went to Norris Geyser Basin and saw a lot of geysers. Everywhere you looked was steam, it was neat-o. We also went to Gibbons Falls and a lot of ( little animals ) were all around. One of them came up to Todd and almost jumped in his lap. I had a letter from Nancy at the trailer. We also stopped at Chuck’s house.

August 24, 1976


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