
Today was the Sonnefinksternis, the Total Eclipse of the Sun! It was so cool! And it’s the day before we move to Shanghai!

We all went up on the terrace, at the house in Vöcklabruck. We had special glasses to look through. It was mostly cloudy. However, luckily, during the “total” part it was clear. So we totally got to see the corona the whole time. It was super neat.

At first, when it started at 11:18 the sky became shadowy. Then the sky gradually darkened. It looked like sunset with pink and gold in the clouds on the horizon.

During the “total” part, it was like night. Also, the temperature got a lot cooler (5 degrees grad). And we saw Venus shining below the moon. It was incredible. It stayed “total” for two minutes starting at 12:41.

By 14:04 it was all over. We saw part of the beginning and ending phases too. When the total part began, we heard a lot of townspeople scream, “Ohhh” and “Ahhh!” It was really cool.


Tomorrow we fly to Shanghai. To live for a while. Once again, I’ve shipped more stuff home. I’ve had the problem of shipping one suitcase by sea, one by air, and one goes with me. What I will do upon leaving China, I cannot tell. Probably hold a book sale and rent a container to ship the rest. Thank Buddha for slow boats.

What to expect about Shanghai? I really don’t know at all. I sort of do, but I can’t even begin to imagine it. Surly, I’ll be culture shocked! Even from what Luise has told me, and what I’ve read, I’m in disbelief. I can’t even begin to imagine. It’ll be completely different for me. However, we’ll be buffered a bit, living in the foreign compound.

Yes, finally I’m on my first trip to Asia. At 35 years old! It took me a while, and a nanny job. But at least I am getting there. Luise and Fritz assured me that by Saturday, we’ll have our first case of diarrhea. Sounds fun already. They seem to have everything there from Lindt Chocolate to Mozart kugel (Austrian chocolates); CNN to Seinfeld; Pizza Hut to Price Club. So in some ways, I should feel right at home.

That reminds me, I was buying some cute black boots when Luise couldn’t imagine where I was going to wear them. She even asked me, “On which continent do you plan to wear them?” A good practical question. (The answer is, I ended up wearing them out, on all three continents.)

Ich bin total begeistert. (I’m so excited.) I can only imagine what it will be like. Meanwhile, I’ve done all I can to get ready. I ran a last Austrian clean-air run — saw rea deer, grazing cows, the onion dome church, and Traunstein Mountain. Did my anti-jet lag diet. I’m all packed. Got my shots, visa, ticket, vegetarian meal, paperwork and China books. I think I’ll like it there.

According to Luise, the shopping will be the highlight. She also insists on how great and cheap the food is. She said we can take Chinese lessons and have a massage and acupuncture person come to the house. I’ll be glad just to get to the complex gym on a regular basis.

Shanghai temperature is about 97 degrees F. and 97 percent humidity. Fritz says it will stay that way for a couple of months. Indoor places are all air-conditioned they assure me.

Like I said, I can hardly imagine it at all. Just looking at the Asia map tonight, I realize how many more places I want to go. For now though, it will serve as a good introduction to Asia. After seeing the total eclipse of the sun, I am ready to step my foot on a new continent. So I think I’ll get some good night’s sleep and be bright for tomorrow.



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