
Checking out Prague with Mom and Dad

We started out Czech breakfast routine, served from “7:30 – 10:30.” Lo and behold we got down to the table at 9:50, and the breakfast was all but cleared away. We were the last to show up. However there was no yogurt, only jam for the muslix of oats and raisins. The kava (coffee) was awful and even more horrid with milk. That left cold cuts (literal) and rye bread with red jam.

We were rushed off by the arrogant eager waitress/ waiters and the clean up crew. The last to leave at 10:20, with tablecloths on the floor and all food gone, we proceeded to explore the city of Prague.

Heading along the river, we checked out the National Theater and environs; a dancing couple; and the Goethe Institute. We headed to the Park of Charles, and walked along areas not yet hit by capitalism. The streets (were) being repaired by workers laying square stone bricks all over carnation in seemingly random patterns. Workers were drinking beer outside of areas where work is done and in local bars.

Stopped for kava .14 (cents) at a small Italian eis joint – with Czech only servers and menus. Sat with locals and sipped on a small potent java.

Next, on to a nice garden restaurant where we got handed over to a German-speaking waiter and had a better goulash than last night. Mom had a nice fish meal. We all had male pivo Staropramen local beer.

On to National Museum and much exploited Wenceslas Square, even surrounded by tourists. Not much to see in museum, only a quick look at the lobby balustrade and on to McDonalds to check prices (83 Big Mac, 55 Hamburger) and to sample seven kinds of Versace perfume: yellow jeans, red jeans, new jeans, all for 375 each.

Checked out B’ata Shoes for 900-1200 CK and also a few crystal traps. Even pinned out Planet Hollywood (now in the bankruptcy process) for cousins Kelly and a wooden sheep 🐑 for Todd, as well as mint handmade soap for me, painted eggs for the grandparents.

We continued past the Powder Tower and a lot of churches. (St. Henry’s the prettiest and St. Charles closed.)

Found a cafe seat to watch Astronomical Clock from in the front of the (Wenceslaus) Square. Looked at Old Town Hall (earlier saw New Town Hall). Saw protesters marching in front of us, both being televised and guarded by Czech police. Snooty service.

Met a nice server this morning at hotel. Ran into two Mozart -dressed commissioners trying to hard-sell us concert tickets. Walked again over Charles Bridge and mom bought a painting; got rained upon lightly; and read the stories of each sooted black statue on the bridge.

Waited 20,minutes for Fritz, who was busy counting the silverware for the (Austrian) Ambassador who was going back to China, to make sure he hadn’t stolen anything.

Meanwhile we had watched a weird guy with red horns on his head, painting demented pictures of his demented self. Crazy. Then a flutist jester under the (Charles) Bridge; and all foreigners among the sales stalls covered with plastic to protect from the sprinkles.

Went with Fritz to the ‘Blue Light’ Jazz Club for a round of Staropramen or two, amid Louis Armstrong and the like, then hobbled across the cobblestone way amid a few false photos to the wood-fired pizza across the way. There was a great atmosphere, good food, decent prices, and a lot of nice locals.

We had good convo about Buddhism; China staging demonstrations; the philosophical similarities between Catholicism and Buddhism…Taoist principles and the masses; touched on reincarnation…

Decided to meet again on Thursday night after our concert. We headed back home past the (over) Charles Bridge, down Karlova Street (not up again); past the Puškin Café and the crystal palaces -still open with bright florescent lights and English speaking, eager salespeople of all nationalities.

The city of Prague has become so diverse, we had a black guy help us at the hotel restaurant, also at a crystal shop. A Spanish guy at the Marionette shop playing Gipsy Kings. A girl drove up in a car blasting Abba, then got embarrassed and turned it down. Heard Selector On the Radio in a Slovak hand craft store, and American music (playing) all over.

Even saw a California store selling surf clothes. The same taxi was waiting on the corner where we were last night, until we looked at t-shirts and found Tesco, to get back down Bartholomew Street and to the hotel just past Café Konvict. Maybe tomorrow.


25 May, 1999


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