
Lake Constance on the Bodensee

Mom and Dad’s 3rd day.

We felt a little strong on the garlic breath in the morning, (due to the pickeled garlic I bought) and got an earlier start. Today we drove to Constance on the Bodensee and Konstanz. It was semi-raining, and we drove all the way around the Vegetable Island, looking at the rows of lettuce, parsley, brocolli, cauliflour, greenhouses of zucchini, and sunflowers, and walking through the green house of exotic plants and herbs.

After a while, we settled down in a nice little restaurant to order super big fresh green salads. Mine was tomatoe with lettuce and a basil dressing. We spent about an hour or two there and finally dad had to take Fabi outside to walk, and look at, and pick up somes for a little while. Meanwhile, we proceeded to order three coffees and sessert. Killer plates full of a strawberry tart, ice cream with whip topping anc chocolate sauce, and a powdered sugar design. Dad still dosen’t know what he missed; we felt so guilty.

Then we loaded up and went actually into Konstanz, where mom and dad saw their other optik shop and we took our leave, with umbrellas, so Dagi could go to work.

A Series of Blunders

Mom, dad, and I wandered along the water front as we were looking for the Bahnhof, then finally found it and bought our tickets which turned out to be for the wrong morning of departure.

Next we went to the Bundes Post (which had been relocated by 50 meters)to send a telegram to our Czech cousins the Manaks, for 45 Deutsch Marks.

After trying my Visa cash card, which didn’t work, we were free to wander at leisure for an hour. Mom bought some new Lancôme perfume and I saw a teal scarf I loved, but didn’t buy for 49 DM. Mom also tried on a blazer, but bought a wooden black cat 🐈‍⬛ instead.

Then we headed back to the train station, where we boarded, and mom and dad had their first experience with European trains. They were impressed. Especially dad. I guess you could say we were primed for tomorrow. We walked and found our way to Harald’s shop and we drove home with him.

Packing up, we got ready to go out for dinner- all 5 1/2 of us. The first restaurant we went to was full from a party group. So we drove to another restaurant right on the lake, where I think we were also with boyfriend in 1997.  We luckily had an entire room to ourselves, as Fabienne was somewhat out of control. Waited on by several servers, we enjoyed “a little starter”, a nice semi-dry wine from the region, and local fish, as well.

It was a great night. We sat right by the water enjoying a nice meal, good friends, and entertaining Fabienne! It was a wonderful evening for all.


Tuesday, 18 May, 1999


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