
I’ve seen shooting stars, robins, bluebirds, and butterflies. I’ve seen a black cat, and then a white cat — all at appropriate moments. It’s the Year of the Rabbit:  My Chinese Horoscope Sign. And the Chinese New Year is beginning on February 16, 1999, which is the day I will get to Kosice. (Is that how to spell the place where I’m going?)

Well (all great journal entries start with well), here I sit on the plane from San Diego, on to Atlanta, then Munich. I leave February 2, at 8:55 A.M. and arrive February 2, at 8:55 A.M. Groundhog Day.

This trip was meant to be, all the way around. From the start, I’ve felt good about it, unquestioning myself (more or less). Less, until yesterday. I’ve been plowing ahead doing the necessary things which needed to be done. With or without my minds’ conscious consent. Many times, I’ve had sweaty palms over the past few months. From making these decisions and putting them into action. Action! Action has been taking over the mind. I guess it’s actually the body that proceeds without the minds’ consent.


A New Chapter Eastern Europe 1999

Number One Destiny Year

As if that weren’t good enough, it’s a Number One Destiny Year. Number 1 is my destiny number. That means two things — It’s a lucky year for me– and it’s a year beginning a new 10 year cycle, for all of us. We are starting with a clean slate, and given a new shot at life. Which is precisely what I’m doing. Naturally, being Sagittarius, I’ve taken it to the extreme.

There you have it. Roxanne (from work) did my Runes and we spent an entire 11 hour day doing our 32-card tarot spread. I left it at her house, but it was pretty good! (I had a romantic notion about befriending a Gypsy woman when I get to Slovakia and having her do a reading for me, learning from her. But that turned out to be just that, a romantic notion.)

Anyway, I’m listening to my intuition. That marvelous intuitive voice within me. Dad said to me, as we were wrapping Christmas gifts, “Finally, you’re listening to your inner-self.”

But this morning and last night, that inner-self was going through emotional turmoil. We all were. Me, mom, dad, my brother, and boyfriend. Now I’m on the plane, looking out on a sunny beautiful day. A great day for travel.

A New Chapter

Yesterday, ironically, was the Full Moon. Not only a full moon, but a Blue Moon. (Second full moon in a month.) And a penumbral lunar eclipse! The next Blue Moon will be in March, 1999. And then not again until 2008.

There’s suppose to be a total eclipse of the sun over Europe in July, 1999. I believe there’s another partial eclipse going on this year. As well as special 30-year meteor showers over Hawaii.

All in all, it will be a pretty special and cosmic year, if I do say so myself!

Once in a Blue Moon

Back to the Blue Moon. Emotions ordinarily run high during the full moon. I was at the point of numbness, up to the last day before my departure, when I experienced emotional overflow. Even my Star Scroll horoscope said I may be pretty tightly wound.

Now I, and all my loved ones, should be unwinding and letting go, with the moon phasing back down. I look forward to being relaxed, in a peaceful state of mind at some point, once I finally get there. Where ever there is. At least getting to Munich and getting settled in/down will be nice.

Another good sign– when I got on the airplane, the women in front of me were discussing a 97-year-old woman, who got a new suit for her birthday. Didn’t sound like she’d be slowing down anytime soon. Could be me! The piped-in music was playing, “My country, my country, America,” a patriotic upbeat song. Just a reminder of where my homeland is!

The flight is beautiful and relaxing. I think I’ll just settle down for a while, and relax my mind.


This is an excerpt from my Kosice Journal, documenting my exodus from a (relatively happy) bustling life in beautiful San Diego, to (voluntarily) take a post teaching English in the newly independent eastern capital of Slovakia 🇸🇰 during a very cold winter 1999. 


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