
Psyched, stoked and lucky am I that Helen will meet me in Paris; and I’m lucky to have a cool friend like her. She is one of a kind, and my role model!

Meeting in Paris

Lucky that I was able to make the Paris reservation. Also lucky that mom was able to buy the rail pass for me and get all those infos.

Stoked and lucky too, that boyfriend has revitalized and and kept in love contact with me, and can’t believe that he will actually meet me in Milano!! Wow! What a blast we will make in Italy 🇮🇹– touring and loving together.

I think we have a lot to talk about too. It will be awesome! I am going to travel light (can’t even spell it!)

Lest I forget, I was damn lucky I didn’t need to have bloodwork done in Slovakia since I had all the tests taken in San Diego. I’m lucky Dr. Bohun took the random syphalis test! And lucky I had the HIV testing done too. Plus very beyond lucky that I didn’t have HIV positive.

I could fill all the pages up with luck, but I am lucky to have such good friends everywhere, such good family, my health especially (which I need to take care of!) and to have made this trip. I left on a Blue Moon – do ya remember- and now it’s a New Moon today.

I was very lucky to find the running track near my flat; to have my family and three grandparents; and to have my Nordstrom profit sharing. Which I am very lucky to have Dad take care of for me. I know I owe him at least a Pilsner in Prague.


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