
After three months, I don’t feel so sad leaving Košice because I am too stressed about my bags, money, and getting yelled at; having to change seats; carry my bags; etc. At this time, I don’t even have much time for wondering about my future.

I have figured that I broke even and am $100 over (ie. last $100) in sum after this three month period, or as of quitting Nordies on January 28. After almost four months only going $100 into my savings isn’t so bad. Then we add almost $500 for the Eurail Pass, and we’re looking at $600. It will quickly go up as I have Paris expenses of $300 hotel, and the Italy trip to pay for. I have “saved” 16,000 Krowns or about $400 to use as spending in Paris.

Wondering about My Future

The time with Luise, I have to find out how she is compensating me. I have not really an idea of how an Au Pair gets paid. Not much. But I am also going to see about teaching some classes at Berlitz while I’m in Wien. As long as I break even with everything between now and January (2000), then there is no problem. First I have to see how far I go down with Paris, Italy, and the travels; then I need to save that much from my time as Au Pair.

One thing I know is I don’t need to buy anything! Only a nice wall hanging from China 🇨🇳. Books seem to be a problem for me, and I bought a lot of CD’s. Plus there is still one more which was recommended. I am crazy!


Now about my writing career. At first I was gung-ho about it — and didn’t know where to begin, let alone what to write about. After my trip mit (with) Michael I had some good stories lined up, and had decided where to send the queries to. At that point, I had to practically write the article, so I could produce a query. It’s a process that takes a long time.

I was very discouraged by the fact that GBR totally blew me off twice now, even after giving me an assignment. Also some shit magazine that pays diddle didn’t even have the decency to respond to my query. Normally they should respond in 4-6 weeks. Now I still have three more prepared queries I need to send out; but by the time they get them and respond, I am done in Košice, and it’s too late to give more details than what I already know.

Catch 22

I don’t really know the city and places to eat, stay, and rates type of writing, and prices specific. Which I also couldn’t afford (money and time) to research without being paid for it. And I feel stuck in a catch-22. I need assignments, but how to get them?

Guess I have to find a place that buys general travel impressions and an “If you go” section. I could write a much better article on Prague, than that guy wrote for the LA Times, for example. Now, when mom comes, she is my agent and will bring all kinds of writers info and sample copies. I really would love to have this be my career, so I guess I best get on it!

I’m also interested in the German (translation) thing, but it does cost a lot, and requires going back to school. Both time and money. Where as the writing, I can do on my own; I love it; enjoy it; like the challenge; and love to travel (albeit lightly!!! something I have never done, only dreamed about).

The big ones (publications) really pay mongo bucks and also pay for assignment travel. I guess if it is what I’ve decided on I really have to get working on it. Otherwise it will be January and I am on the plane back to S.D. jobless and broke. Not what I will have happen.

In wondering about my future I envision having relationships established with editors and having one new assignment before I head home, or while I am heading home. I will also have a few travel articles published by January, and will be working on new ones, sending some in.

Doing It

Guess at this point, I have to stop wondering about my future and just need to do it! Being that I’m done now in Košice I must compile all my writings, and send the damn thing also, I don’t know if they got the email or attachments I’ve sent. And I want to make a good first impression, I think it’s more important than to just send them out ASAP.

When I decided on the German translating career, I was gung-ho on that, and bought all the books, started to study. Then it stopped, as I focused my spare time on writing. I got a few things on disc, and was in the process of sending out more, when I suddenly realized I had a social life; and also couldn’t get on a computer as they were always full; and my classes picked up at hours where I only had a unit or two (spare time) in between.g

The queries I started are thus still on hold, and I was searching for and gathering more info of which there is now no shortage.