
Thinking towards summer elevates my mood. I’m feeling like planning for the future. Right now things that make me feel happy are: Going home in three months -but not without an extensive travel period of 2-3 months between leaving here and going home to San Diego. 

It makes me happy to think of not going home poor and broke. I’d be happy to have a plan (?) which I don’t yet, of how to not squander away all my (Nordstrom) PS Plus (profit sharing plus) money but put it to the best possible, profitable, advantageous use. (I must think on and figure that out.)

And it makes me happy to think of having a real decent job -somewhere where the sun shines; being debt free; having time to enjoy life; and making good money so I can live the good, but not reckless life.

Planning for the Future

I know I can’t survive for long on teaching at Berlitz. The teachers here all are squandering and on budgets. They seem to have little aim, direction, or ambition. Thus, they’ve ended up in Slovakia.

My plan is to leave here June 1st! I will check on Monday or ASAP the Berlitz internet site and see about teaching in France, Strausburg.

As soon as I get my mind organized, I’ll see about narrowing down some writing opps (opportunities) and start using the computer 💻, and the discs I brought. Most magazines take a few months lead time, so I need to start soon, if I want to give it a go.

Three months will go by fast- just like that! So I need to use this opportunity to work on and plan and plan my future.

(P.S. Michael comes in just 5 weeks! That is reassuring of how fast my time will go and is nice to give me something to look forward to in a timely manner.) Then I will go to Vienna during the next four weeks at some point to meet Sigrid, Dagmar, Hari and see Lulu again. After that, I only have five weeks left here in until June 1st.

Musing Over Future Ideas

If worse comes to worse and I don’t get hired at another Berlitz I like, or have an income that works, well… then I can stay for a while with Dagmar, with Luise, with Michael and Gustave, at end of July. Then I could go back to San Diego in August.

Maybe I’ll ask Dagmar about (translation) job opps in general. Even prior to this brainstorm, I inquired as to German classes at school (Berlitz). They’re getting back to me.

And if I did that, I could use my PS money to pay off most bills 💵 and maybe even get a condo? Then what? Stuck again.

Or I could go to Wien in June (with Berlitz?), and stay in Luise’s aunts apartment. Or Netherlands 🇳🇱. Germany 🇩🇪. France 🇫🇷 is good. But I want to have money, yes, and not be poor; not constantly live on bread 🥖 and water 💧; not squander away my money 💰. I’ll have to keep an eye and ear open. And ask!

Going back to SD in August is fine, but I don’t want to go back to what I left—and I want to keep freedom to travel and explore. I don’t want to get chained down again.

And the little French chalet would be nice too. “Finally you made me smile 😊,” I said to my self.



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