
Yes, I am following my soul. My soul longs to travel more, experience and see the world, and write about it. And also sell my writing. I would ideally like to (listen up now, Spirit) have (own) a Chateau over in Provence, and have (own) a nice condo here in beautiful, sunny San Diego. I’d like to divide my leisure and work between here and there. Ideally, I’d like not to be bothered with worrying about income or making a living. Let me live on my (profit-sharing) interest, and love alone.

Lifetime Resolutions

I need to learn more languages, live in different countries, and experience other cultures. To read more of the world’s great literary works. And travel, hike and explore remote regions; meet new people; and make new friends. I desire to keep in better contact with my current and old friends – something which has been neglected since I have virtually no days off. I intend to work on my health and physical body. To continue improving my mind, body, and spirit is my ultimate life goal.

As always, I aspire to bring goodwill and happiness to people. (Pretty deep stuff, huh?) My intentions are to jog again, on a regular four-mile basis, pick up the weights, and work out, getting outdoors more. Biking, hiking, wandern are key for me.

Those are my goals, and they pretty much stay the same for me year after year. If you want to call them my “Lifetime Resolutions.”

What have I done to help me to this avail? It’s been enabled in a big part by my past five years of frugality and prudence. Newly acquired traits from my long-term partner. That may be what I learned from him too, and also why he came into my life. I was able to pay off many of my bills, and to consolidate, reconfigure, and prioritize my financial situation. Thank you, boyfriend.

Then you set me free. Free to roam the world and to do my own thing. Free to inquire about teaching overseas and to be offered and free to accept a position in Kosice, Slovak Republic.

Stepping into the Future

Give me a mere three months, and I’ve turned my life around completely. I tuned in the radar, and as dad understands and has stated, “Finally listened to my inner self.” My real soul is calling out. I want to be free. Free from debt, free from worry, free from hassle and heavy traffic. Free from the stress of “Rushing from one job to the next, and sometimes jogging in between,” as Luise so eloquently put it.

As of February 1, I’ll be on my way at 8:55 a.m. to Munich and Europe, via a one-way ticket. To see where fate lands my butt. And to help fate along, today I bought the new “Writer’s Market” book filled with writing possibilities. Tomorrow I’ll be finishing up my Realtor’s Market article for Gift Basket Review. Then I’ll be working on our presentation for next week on January 12th, at the Los Angeles Mart.

Ironically, I finished reading The Novel, by James Mitchner, last week on my lunch break. (A great read.) Mitchner was 40 when he began his career in writing. Incidentally the next day, at age 35, I received a confirmation offer from Festivities Publications for paid article contributions while I’m overseas. This makes me an actual Foreign Correspondent. I already have four articles in mind for them. Let’s begin.

January 5, 1999





  • Your friend Victoria

    February 3, 2024

    What an amazing post, my friend! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and events of the time, your goals and resolutions.
    The incredible journey of life took you to many places you didn’t even thought about and there are so many magical paths ahead.

    • Cher Orange

      February 5, 2024

      Yes, and it brought me to meet you!!! Thank you for reading and commenting. Your journey is remarkable too!


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