
Hier bin ich wieder (here I am again) sitting on the train (8:15 Zug)  in Vienna nach (toward) Bratislava. Feeling a little sad, lonely, and somewhat depressed. I am feeling homesick and lonely after being with the full-on families (at Easter).

Returning to Košice, I feel depressed and isolated. I’m sad because I’m already ein bischen Heimweg (little bit homesick). Especially with the war going on, right across a country, (Kosovo). There’s threat of the unknown, such as an escalation.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) carried out an aerial bombing campaign against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia during the Kosovo War. The air strikes lasted from 24 March 1999 to 10 June 1999. (Source Wikipedia.) So, NATO had just begun bombing the week before we set out on our Castle Hopping Tour. 

I watched CNN last night (and the Jay Leno Show) and was able to get the current news in my mother tongue. I also watched President Clinton’s speech, on CNN, in the Bratislava hotel, während des Woches mit (during the weeks with) Michael.

We walked past a protest in action in Wien (Vienna) yesterday evening in the Burg Garten full stocked mit Polizei (with police) on bikes, in vans, and cars. The protesters were carrying the Serbia/Kosovo/Yugoslavia flag ?

It freaked me out.

Michael und ich (and I) also saw a small, silent, signless protest in front of the American Embassy in Bratislava. I was already feeling homesick and wanted to walk by the embassy when I saw the American (United States) flag. As we approached, we noticed the crowd, and I dispersed quickly.

Dienstag, Tuesday 6 April, 1999


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