
Today was St. Joseph Day (name day) in Slovakia. Everyone who is named Joseph, or Josef in Slovak, will go to the pub. Approximately one in five persons, according to Ivanka, is named Josef. Her husband (Josef) went to the pub with his boss, who is also Josef.

English Lessons

It was a good day. This morning I had the director of the ceramic’s industry. He’s worked 30 years for the company, since it was state owned. Now for the last 10 years, he’s been director. He’s a good business person, mostly self-taught English.

In between (classes) I walked to town talking to Chris. I located birthday candles, cake, ice cream, popcorn and chips, for my upcoming class with a 13 year-old girl. I had to meet my landlord at the flat to pick up copy of the rental agreement for my visa.

Back at school (Berlitz) I played “Bob’s Men Shop” and “Buying a Tie” (lessons) with Ivanka. Then we had a birthday party lesson with Martinka. We made cards and wrapping paper, and we wrapped gifts, ate, drank, and did vocabulary. She was not new to birthday parties. She’s had full fledged parties for every birthday. She also spends summers at English Riding Schools.

After school, I hung about talking to Ivanka. She and her husband will meet Chris and I at Smile Cinema for the movie.

Smile Cinema and Shakespeare in Love

We all met at the “Smile Cinema” and watched Shakespeare in Love. It reminded me of mine and boyfriend’s predicament and I felt sad, but in love. I believe that everyone’s love is different- having both strong and weak points. However, maybe a love is stronger that can survive apart, than a love that must always be together. Food for thought 💭… and test. Mom and Dad – and Grandma think it needs to be full on head-over-heels, and chemistry. But who’s to say we don’t have chemistry 🧪, and that our love 💕 isn’t stronger now. Or that it ever was.

Even being far away, I find it both depressing and inspiring, as I want to be/become a better person for both of us. Just knowing I have the support and comfort of his love and our relationship gives me strength I need to do this on my own. It’s really quite a paradox.

I suppose you wouldn’t understand it, unless you also had the urge and yearning to travel and explore, but at the same time, want a love to call your own- and one that will understand and allow you that freedom. “Let it go, and if it comes back to you, it is yours. If it doesn’t come back, it was never yours to begin with.” So much truth. First I had to let him go, and now he’s letting me go. The great test is in motion.

Friday 19 March, 1999



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