
I was trying to find an Arts & Crafts Shopping Center and stopped thrice to ask directions from shopkeepers. As often happens, except in very big or western shops, they don’t speak any English.

Well I shuttled again, this time my Shanghai exploring included a successful heimfahrt (return home, in German) and I continued my way down Nanjing Road. I found a nice priced tea set and bowl which came beautifully boxed (for 129 and 35 Yuan respectively!) at Isetan.

Checked out the Park and Pacific Hotels, had lunch at McDonald’s (better than the one in Wein!) and had coffee iced latte and choco muffins at Seattle Coffee Co. I got some prices and ideas at the Silk King and felt more relaxed walking around.

Friday, 27, August 1999 –

Shanghai Exploring

I was trying to find an Arts & Crafts Shopping Center and stopped thrice to ask directions from shopkeepers. As often happens, except in very big or western shops, they don’t speak any English. It usually ends up with a congregating of 3-6 people trying to explain something to me, usually all in Chinese! until someone comes that knows a few words in English. It’s great. They try to be so helpful and even walk or lead me to places. Anyway, try as I may, I was unsuccessful at getting to the designated place, even with map in hand. (The next week however when I decided to just go and run into it when I did, that’s just what happened. It turned out to be a dot on the map about 4 blocks from the name.)

Anyway it was a good, albeit hot and hazy day. Humid too and occasional rain showers, in which all Shanghai -ese right down to bicyclists and rickshaw cart loads don slickers and umbrellas. It was funny seeing an open-air corner fruit market selling cut watermelon and peaches- getting all rained on without cover.


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