
“One More Night” was the theme song for Lucille and me. It is the last and a rainy day in Wien and we are cordoned off in the former Kinder Zimmer with our bags packed, waiting for the packing expedition to finish up. I am sitting in my corner and Lucille sits in hers.

The moving process began on Monday morning at 8:30 a.m. sharp and the first day they packed the hallway and living room while Frank, Lucille, and I took refuge in the study. I teetered back and forth between there and the kitchen. In the latter, I sustained a party atmosphere drinking and eating, finishing up the food perishables, restocking the fridge with drinks, and taking out the trash from time to time. It was fun.

That evening we picked up the girls from Trude and Otto’s and went to eat at the Wild Sow on the Viennese hillside. Frank played hide and go seek with the girls and I played the Eis Game, while Lucille tried to relax amidst the hectic stressfulness.

Monday 10 July, 1999


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