Mackinac Bridge

Odyssey 1976

Dearborn- New Lothrop

100 miles

July 24, 1976

Today Uncle Vic, Uncle Bill, Chuck S. and Mr. Ryba and Mr. Meyers came to help us load. I had Barb and Julie over too. I rode up to grandma’s with Vic in the U-Haul. Then at 7:00 we went to Kubik’s and had a party with Valasek’s and everyone, Malik’s too. Dave, Tom, Lori, Todd and I all slept in the den.


New Lothrop- Higgins Lake

150 miles

July 25, 1976

We drove up to Gross’s and all our cousins were there. We ate and played. We had a real good time. Then us guys opened a nice gift from them all and said our goodbyes. It was really sad. We slept at Aunt Pat and Uncle Phil’s, they have a beautiful mobile home.


Higgins Lake – St. Ignace

120 miles

July 26, 1976

Today we left at around noon and crossed Mackinac Bridge. At our campground we walked some trails and then took a bike ride to see ‘Big Mak’. When we went down hill Todd took a spin. His lip was bleeding, his leg had a bad bruise. We took him to St. Ignace Hospital. He was alright.


St. Ignace – Marquette

160 miles

July 27, 1999

Today we woke early and traveled to Marquette by 5:00. We met two nice friends of Jone and Janes – Tereasa and Sihale. After dinner we hiked up Sugarloaf Mountain and saw the sun-set. We were sitting on these big rocks and Joan asked me, “What’s it like to have parents who are so in love?” Later we had a fire.



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