
Well, I’m functioning and doing my best to keep busy and not think about or mention the war. I’m using a three-ply Italian toilet paper with little blue half moons on it; reading about Alsace in the Wine Spectator; watching Ally McBeal dubbed in Hungarian, and now a Hungarian performance on tv. On Sunday somehow I slept until 10:00. Usually even on Saturdays I get up early. Call me leisure gal.

Wondering what happened to boyfriend. For a week from March 1-8 we had good contact and he was loving and missing me, sending hugs and kisses, and speculating on getting a flight ticket… Then the last seven days, nothing. I look forward every day to going (to the Internet Klub) and getting an e-mail from him, then I guess you could say I get depressed when I pull it up and he’s not there. What’s happened? I hope nothing is the matter.

I’ve been feeling so lonely, and I guess depressed, that I haven’t really even been inspired to write. Been looking through my (Writers) guide and thought 💭 on some ideas. Even started writing a piece about Hotel Bankov, but that’s all. I didn’t even take notes on my visit to Dahlmayr.

Love and Laundry

It looks like I’m watching the Hungarian Academy Awards. I feel like I would enjoy my whole experience better if I had somebody to share it with. Asking myself, “Why have I been so unlucky in love?” Because, I believe I really am the best person in the world 🌎 and end up by myself, when other unworthier persons get a good man. (True, that may be part of my dirty laundry!)

What’s the deal, man? Yes, I think I have a bit of an attitude. And why not…if only everyone could be as perfect as I am. Well at any rate, I did my first load of laundry 🧺 today. Yes, technologically lagging, the machine took two hours to do a load, and the spin cycle shook the machine so hard and loud –it even chipped the tiles on the bathtub 🛁 and ripped the shower curtain. It’s really out of control. When I took out the clothes, they were as cold as ice 🧊. So I don’t know what happened to the hot water. (Now they’re dancing to Grease on the Hungarian tv 📺.)

The Wash Machine

So I called 📞 Fritz and Lulu. They will be in Vöcklabrück over Easter. Don’t know what I’ll do. No answer at Dagi’s. Later on, I actually called and left a message for boyfriend. It was hard to hear his voice and not be near him. I had sweaty palms just waiting for the answering (machine) message. Wishing I was in my old (San Diego) apartment tonight and could just jet over there. What am I doing here?? Sometimes I feel so sad, especially when I don’t hear from boyfriend.

Walking on Hlavná

Took a walk up to Tesco for my Italian three-ply tp 🧻 and some Easter 🐣 cards with the pretty eggs and ribbons on them. (Twenty cards for a little over a dollar.) Came home, had soup, bread 🍞 and cheese for lunch, then walked back up to town to meet Arya and Deniza at Hotel Slovan.

There were loads of people walking around town today, and the thawed stream started flowing up on the north half of Hlavná (Main Pedestrian Zone). Hotel Slovan was really packed. That’s where all the people hang out on Sunday afternoons. Spotted some Americans, a few Germans -and rich Slovaks. Reminded me of the TJ (Tijuana) Country Club. Arya and his friend had each finished a coffee ☕️ or tea (and were both smoking). They left a 20 SK bill on the table. Not so expensive when .50 cents covers everything. The hotel is supposed to be 2000 Slovak Krowns or $50 a night, the most expensive in town -except for Bankov.

A Movie

The lobby and lounge area was very nice and full (of people). Ferns and palms surrounded a tri-level terrace, with live piano playing. Nice atmosphere.

We went over to Tatra Kino to see the movie. There were fewer than 20 people in the medium- large theater. All seats were open and flat, with a narrow screen.

The lobby area is weird. It’s like going to a café or restaurant with carpet, a couple café tables, and a bar selling Snickers and other treats. The bar was closed down when we left the movie.

Then it was weird walking outdoors into a nice courtyard of a baroque building that was gold trimmed in white. The movie itself was dumb— funny. I did laugh a lot and it felt so good laughing 😆. At home too I made myself laugh, which was a nice change. I can still crack myself up!

We’ll see what this week brings.

Sunday 14 March, 1999


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