
St. Etienne – Lausanne Heute, but how could I forget gestern, sind wir total durch den Lavendel Feldern gefahren. Da war so schöne. Traümlich mensch da gibts riese große Lavendel Feldern über all.

So many people were just making picnics or stopped to pick lavender, wie uns. Es riecht aber heilig and buzzing with bees 🐝. Cool to see. Picnicking von Zeit zur Zeit we spent the ganze Tag liegen in the grass picnicking 🧺 on killer pastries (4) and baguette 🥖 and fruit, next to the lavender fields in high grass…until we came to the last small town for übernachten.

Life is wonderful and beautiful to live if only for days such as today, right Dagi?


So on then to Lausanne. Am Abend we hit the total campground “over flow” area. Major flowage and Barcelona Leute aber sie warten immer noch auf die Ungarische Reise Bus.

Kein Geld 💵 so we took a stroll along the Wasser front on the Promenade and then we pulled out the MC at the most expensive restaurant in town! Rags to Riches again, that’s us. But it was good whatever we ate. I only remember oh yes – that melon with Porto, salmon pasta, wine 🍷 and a killer mousse plate dessert. Hi – Ho.


Summer 1992



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