
Well as good as her word (Mrs. L.), the plumber arrived at 7:30 to hook up the washer. I had no classes today, as I requested the eve off for the opera, Nabucco by Verdi. I was looking forward to seeing Nabucco at the Košice State Theater.

So I leisurely frühstücked (breakfasted) and read my Wine Spectator magazine about the Alsace wine tasting trails. The other day on the computer, I looked up some properties with vines, vineyards, equipment, and hotels, chalets in South of France. Starting at $300,000. I’m a real dreamer!

Late for the Staff Meeting

After lunch and a trip to stock up at Tesco, I headed up to school (Berlitz) for our staff meeting- to which I was late, as I thought it started at 13:45, not 13:15. But it was okay. They told us good news, that we are closed on Easter Friday and Monday! And also we can leave during our video units. Zusanna told me that all was ok with my X-rays. So I don’t have lung cancer after all. Gott sei Danke! (Thank God!) I also faxed to Dr. Bohun for the siphilis test results. And I gave them my request days for when M and D are coming. No problem! Also days off when Michael gets here.

I went home, had a little wine (the second time I’ve drank at my apartment since I’ve been here). I had a red local Slovak wine 🍷 with my pasta.

Strange Doorbell Buzzing

I was kind of curious as the doorbell buzzed and I said, “Hello!” But no-one answered, nor was anyone on the door phone. So I let it be. Then a little later it rang and buzzed a lot—too much, and I thought no-one nice would buzz it like that. So I called Mrs. Langelova in case she was trying to contact me or send someone over. I also considered maybe it was the plumber bringing the needed parts at the end of the day.

Well she was at home, and I rearranged the date with her from Sunday to Saturday. Meanwhile the door 🚪 buzzed some more. I figured then no-one else knew where I lived nor had any reason to call on me, so I just ignored it, loud as it was.

I was a bit bothered; for one that it was buzzing me, and for two that I didn’t check who it was. I felt bad if it was a neighbor or someone being nice, as people have only been nice so far. (With the exception of the “bicycle lady” whom I also saw at the local potraviny (corner store). Nonetheless I dressed and went up to the opera.


Friday 12 March, 1999

This is an excerpt from my Kosice Journal, documenting my exodus from a (relatively happy) bustling life in beautiful San Diego, to (voluntarily) take a post teaching English in the newly independent eastern capital of Slovakia during a very cold winter 1999.


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