
Time has flown so quickly by! Once again we had to get up early to beat the clock. We fruhstucked and drank strong coffee together before racing to the Bahnhof again. All was okay as we waited for the half-empty train to Budapest. It was nice to have a good seat even though my first class ticket is up.

Goal Setting in Vienna

On the way to Wien, I was in an inspirational mood and worked on potential articles for the magazine’s. Just before I left Munich, we discussed my job options when I go back to San Diego and I realized that writing or working for a magazine is still my top goal. I’m going for it and will do what I can to make it happen. I will succeed in getting published! It meets all of my qualifications for a job and I can travel, write, even write travel guides, be my own boss, use language, my brain and creativity and see the results. I can also set and keep deadlines. It’s a good career that can support me when I do it right.

Now that I’m here with Lucille I have to make myself a schedule, as I wrote out my goals on the train, for the next six months. So it will take perseverance and discipline, but I can do it and I’m motivated.

To Do

The next thing to do is get rid of this blue nail-polish, start a running routine, and go to the Friseure (hair dresser). And I have to consolidate my things and send a big box home! By keeping some time to myself and retiring early I can accomplish my goals. I may also get time to use the computer in the mornings while the girls are at school and maybe run in the afternoons and do my writings at night. It dosen’t look like I will have much time or opportunity to work on the German thing, but it is less profitable than the writing.

Then there is all my reading I wanted to do and still may, my astrology and tarot cards, and who knows what else. Email and new CD’s, silly Martha Stewart ideas, and trend magazines. One could go crazy but I’m sure I will figure out a way to get it all done.

I am going to keep my sanity, loose weight, improve my looks and my mind. My financial picture will improve, and I will begin to earn a steady income from doing what I love- writing and traveling! Ciao!


Thursday 24 June, 1999



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