
We were planning to head from Marbella- Gibraltar, and the Paella 🥘 guy told us there was a major traffic stall nur “Coche- Coache- coache-coache” due to a new Strike in the vicinity of Gibraltar 🇬🇮, and ferries only running zweimal Täglich. So I think we took it easy one day wieder am Strand gelaufen, the alte Mann mit dem Glocken 🔔 an his pener and we “Hello.”

So an “early” Anfang nachste Tag 10 Uhr und wir unterwegs wieder nach Gibraltar 🇬🇮. I drove battling the parking-combat field, trying wieder immer umfahren über die Grenze zu fahren.

Endlich, wir sind direkt über den Flug Runway gefahren to land of the Great Britain’s. Quite British after wir haben in ein Horton Plaza park garage geparkt. Die Hauptstraße war ganz British… Pubs, Fish n Chips, bookshops, travel places, Crabtree & Evelyn…need i say more.

Then danach, sind wir (much to my chagrin of sweaty palms, wie immer) up the Rock of Gib (Gibraltar) mit einem Eisenbahn type contraption gefahren. Cool Ansicht aber. At the top, we’ve had a look about und wären viel begeistert über Afrika. The continent nur 17 km away… toll voll schönes Ausblick!

Wir haben echte Bilder gemacht on our stokage. If the guys were with us, wir werden gerne fahren (nach Afrika). So cool stuff. Then the caves – walk mit corny music, stalactites and stalagmites, awful colored lighting effects, in a natural prehistoric environment.

Walked down the Rock 🪨, picnicked, hung out with the monkeys 🙊 that everyone was feeding cokes and peanuts to. Legend has it that the monkeys are protecting Gibraltar 🇬🇮

Then couldn’t figure out how to get down. Weil alle die Leute waren mit Taxis hier- unter gefahren. We tried a dead-end area which turned out being the wrong way.


Summer 1992


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