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World Heritage

World Heritage
World Heritage
World Heritage
World Heritage

World Heritage

World Heritage highlights the small collection of world heritage sites I have visited, and ones I would like to see in my future travels. All of these sites, I had visited before knowing that they were World Heritage sites.

Since I learned about World Heritage official designations in the later 2010’s, I became fascinated with all of these world wonders. Now it’s interesting to look back and see how many I have been to. More sites are getting added all the time. Which world heritage sites have you visited?

Another person who loves World Heritage started her own website with a list of the sites. Check it out here! You can also make your own list of sites and add them to your profile. Great stuff.

Learn more about these significant sites here and add them to your bucket list. I still want to visit so many more!


Here’s a cool world map.


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