
Alpine hiking in slovenia 🇸🇮

We had to tour around from the Hut at 1681 meters up a bit through some beautiful Alpine rocky bush pine flower meadows to 1770 meters before we were going downhill.

The down climb is always endless, as was this. We kept checking the signs, map, and the red and white dots on trees, and after three hours we made it to another Hut where we were already dead tired, and ordered mud café.

Now it was getting late 18:00 and we kept thinking we should be getting closer and hearing the traffic below – hoping to finally catch a glimpse of the lake- but it was endless.

It was getting so dark, it was hard for me to see – and also slippery, as it was rocky and wet. I was so glad to finally see the meadow we approached after two more hours, as my footing was not so good at this point and we felt now rushed to find our way down before it got really dark.

As we cleared the meadow I saw the road! and a van approaching! I said, “Hey, there’s our ride!” Closer to the road, I longingly eyed the next two cars to come and “Zum Glück!!!” one stopped to give us a ride. They were so nice!! A Slovenian couple who were also on vacation and we couldn’t thank them enough!! It turned out to be much longer than we expected and getting real dark, and also starting to rain! We were so lucky!!

We knew already we would go to that restaurant and sat out on the patio with a live loud singer and enjoyed a full dinner! The local red Tehran wine 🍷 was great with salmon, croquettes, and apfel strüdel! After the meal we headed up the dark road to take the folk dance poster I wanted!

Friday 29 July 1999


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